Which game is this for you?

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Turns out nostalgia did 90% of the heavy lifting.

Twisted Metal

How I managed to play this game is beyond me
Still love it but maybe it’s how controls are ported it’s wild to land shots

This may be controversial, but Goldeneye 100% fits this for me. The game has aged very poorly but the memories of playing this for years with all my friends will never be lost.

Mercenaries Playground of Destruction. Still a solid game, but I remember it being more epic. Turns out being a kid will have that effect.

Morrowind. It’s why I’m scared to play it again, I want it to remain the perfect experience to keep in my heart forever.

Red Dead Revolver

Call of Duty. My friends and I used to play all day and night for a few years, cleaning up most lobbies as we went. To this day, I still want to buy CoD when the new one comes out, but every time I jump back in, I realize that playing with my friends and leading them to victory is what made it fun.

RIP childhood friends who lost themselves to drugs and alcohol. 

Destiny 2

Speak for yourself. Burnout paradise is still goat racing game

Fable 3. I loved it as a kid, but as an adult all I can see is how it falls short and how they could have done it better. Similar concepts have been too thoroughly polished in the time since, while at the time many things about it felt very novel.

Thankfully, Dragon Age Origins never lets me down! As long as I mod out The Broken Circle.

I hate this. So far, Mass Effect 1-3 are the only games I can go back to and actually enjoy/finish.

This made me nearly cry

diablo 2 and CS


I’m probably going to get downvoted but it just isnt fun for more than 20 minutes going back to it.

Playing it when I was at a much younger age was so much fun though

Any Battle Toads game.

I remember thinking they were _so cool_ back in the day.

I bought the $5 battle toads game on Steam and I’ve played whatever Battle Toads games they’ve added to the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion pack emulation things only to realize that those games are almost unplayable.

Nostalgia was doing wonders for those games.

Double Dragon still holds up for the most part, though – which is awesome

Na fallout 3 and new Vegas still hold up for me. Except the loading 🥲

L4D. It’s still a solid coop shooter, but I miss the late night lan parties with my siblings, not the game.

For me it’s Mario kart for the snes. I’m 35 and I picked up again a couple of years ago. Hahah when I tell you I said to myself “huh….this wasn’t as good as I remembered it” lol

Command & Conquer. Loved those games as a kid, but trying to play them now makes me want to pull my hair out. Unit pathing is so bad lol

Destiny, the first one. It was the last MMO type game me and a few friends really connected with. Good times.

Can’t get them back.

Star Wars Galaxies

Battle for Bikini Bottom. Just didn’t hold up. It was so perfect in my memory. I wish it had stayed there.

Legacy of Kain for sure

Jak and daxter. It was so much fun playing this when I was a kid. I ended up buying the trilogy pack and re lived the memories for like 30 minutes and then I grew bored of the game and never finished it.

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