Which minor character’s death do you feel bad for?

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Another Terminator one from Terminator 2 – the poor mall employee that got in between the two Terminators in the hallway (the scene where Arnold drops the flowers to reveal the shotgun).

Family in Logan.

Matilda’s little brother from Leon the Professional

The girl in the beginning of Jaws. Zara the assistant/babysitter in Jurassic World. Most of all the little shoe in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

A lot of folks in No Country for Old Men

Maybe he’s not a minor character (hey he has no speaking lines) but Two Socks the wolf in Dances with Wolves. I was so hurt and angry when those A-holes shot him.

I’m assuming she died but when Mr. Orange shot back at the chick who was just trying to defend herself.

The rest of the crew in The Matrix (Mouse, Switch, Apoc, Dozer)

Spider in Goodfellas.

The kid on the bike that witnessed the train heist in Breaking Bad (sorry it’s a tv show I know)

Mickey’s mom from Snatch (2000). Poor woman got burned alive in her own caravan

Some nameless Ewok in Return of the Jedi. Just cashes out and his buddy mourns him. That gets me.

The chick who falls off the line at the beginning of Cliffhanger

The shoe in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

All of Rocket’s friends in GotG 3

Artax in The Neverending Story

Total Recall- the guy riding the escalator when Arnie’s being chased through the complex. Poor dude was probably heading home after a long day at the Johnny-Cab repair garage. Gets caught in a cross-fire, not once, but twice. Probably took 100 shots. I’m sure he felt that in the morning.

The sheriff in Misery.

When Marvin got shot in the face 

OB in Hateful Eight. The guy had been through a lot and just wanted to get warm and have a cup of coffee.

Jon Bernthal and his girlfriends characters in Wind River

The diner owner in Stranger Things.

Fabrizio in Titanic

The Joker killing his right-hand man, Bob, in the 1989 Batman.

“Bob, gun…..”

That’s what the dude gets for not having a *phased plasma rifle in the 40-watt range*.

I feel bad for the dude that Vader chokes to death and throws at the beginning of A New Hope. He was just some guy on the ship AFAIK. I’ll bet for all he knew, it was a consular ship on a diplomatic mission. The Senate was still a thing at that point, and Leia was on it. I highly doubt she briefed the ship’s crew about the fact that she was carrying plans vital to defeating the Empire.

Edit: Don’t @ me talking about Rogue One. It’s a retcon from 40 years later. George Lucas did not have any of that in mind when he wrote the scene I’m referring to.

The baby and the gym rat in Trainspotting. Also feel bad for the woman who got bloodied by the mug tossed over the shoulder off the mezzanine, and the guy who got stabbed in the face with a breaking beer glass.

Brooks in Shawshank Redemption

Couple in the car at the start of Fargo.

The security guard in Terminator 2. He had a full house on his coffee cup, it was supposed to be his lucky day, and the last thing he saw was himself about to kill him. I looked up the guy, that scene is the thumbnail for his IMDb page.

All of those contractors working on the second Death Star really.

Source: Clerks

Zara in Jurassic World.

Feel pretty awful for those people Bruce Willis hunted in Looper.

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