Which one?

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I think we all know life insurance companies would not be paying out for Thanos snap victims.

What type of food is the food truck?

It’s impressive to rack up 3 new children in only 5 years

feel like I could not move on in just 5 years but that’s probably just a me thing

So specific, I think this might be real . . . Somehow.

I’ve been married for 30 years. No way I’m doing that again. Insurance money, beach house, bachelor pad for me.

Porque no los dos?

My wife’s uncle passed away 20 years ago and his wife remarried 10 years ago. She’s getting up there in age and has been having discussions with family about who she will be with in Heaven. I don’t believe in an afterlife so this is all weird, sad, and funny.

“WIIIILLLLSSSOOOON! Someone’s never watched Castaway!”

We should all be respectful of polycules during these difficult times.

I feel like that that point you just stay married to both and have gnarly threesomes

Do you think life insurance pays out due to death via cosmic god stones?

Do you think there would even be life insurance providers in a world where you could end up as collateral damage on a near daily basis just because some superpowered jocks want to have a pissing contest?

Who would be so mad to insure anything in New York? That City would be a wasteland in every universe with supers, aliens or monsters (that was made by Hollywood).

Isn’t this basically the plot of Cast Away?

Make a commune

“New fam, who dis?”

If you are in Utah, you can have both.

Time for polyamory

It would take 33 months at a minimum to have 3 kids if they were single births. And assuming you got pregnant your wedding night, that means you met someone and got married in 27 months immediately after they got snapped. The first marriage was already failing if that was the case so I say stay with the new family.

I think the time moves on the new family would be your own and you’d stick with them

This is a question that only a girlfriend would ask.
The correct answer is your girlfriend, because the imaginary Thanos snap girlfriend can’t pout for a week.

Dude gets a free pass and chooses which he prefers.

So I was a kid when my mother died, and my Dad remarried years later. I always wondered if she magically came back what he would do lol

Castaway already answered this on

3 kids in 5 years…yikes.

Dude’s asking the right questions

I choose Mormon family

After 5 years you are remarried with 3 kids? Wtf?

Man’s asking the real questions.

A more realistic situation would be similar the movie Pearl Harbor. S/o presumably killed in battle only to be lost for an extended time. Just long enough for you and their best friend to find comfort in each others shared loss.

Become poly, wife both, huge family, lighter work on the wives.

Depends how long we’ve been married. If it’s less than 10 I would probably not follow through with it. If it’s more than 10 I’d consider it.

By rules of snapism you have to keep both families

That depends, which spouse has more plot relevance?

Welcome sister wives

There was a great series on this situation called “The leftovers” on HBO, it’s worth a watch.

Trick question, i wouldn’t remarry.

Wait – remarried, 3 kids in five years?

Congratulations, you’re now a throuple.

If i lost my spouse I can tell you right now I wouldn’t be remarried with 3 kids in 5 years

Sister wives situation

We’re moving to Utah

Larry I’m with Buck now, we have two kids together 8 & 15.


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