Which online game comes to mind?

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Almost every online game

I can’t think of a single civilized online pvp game.

Every single Game with online multiplayer ever?

Dead by Daylight. 

Basically every single game that features multiplayer.

Rainbow Six Siege

This is why I avoid playing with others. Single player games are way more fun and less stressful.

I tried league a couple of years back….I regret my decision

Reddit and their volunteer moderators

Rocket leauge

This was only made worse by streaming and people actually getting payed to play. I’ll stick to single player.

Peak WoW

overwatch. if you’re not trying your absolute hardest at all times you’re reported for throwing

I will say that one exception to the rule has been Fallout76. Really great community over there. Too bad the game has so many micro transactional currencies.

The answer is COD.


What’s bad is when they start trashtalking the people on their own team. if someone on the enemy team is trashtalking, I get excited to beat their ass, if someone is trashtalking me on my own team, Its just sad

Warcraft. I love to just explore on a mount, but everyone is so level hungry

League of Legends and World of Tanks.

…all of them?

I would rather buy rope than ever try to play League of Legends again.

World of Warcraft! Some people just have absolutely no life…

Any FPS online shooter

Rainbow six siege

Dead by Daylight

Sea of Thieves

Smash Bros Ultimate… Or any Smash Bros game.
Competitive VS Casual …

COD is the king. They even use SBMM cranked up to a 11 to ruin your fun.

GTA V seems to be the biggest culprit. Imagine camping out low level players to flex your maxed out, level 1000 dumbass character, usually in a ghosted attack chopper. I like to think they’re just angry 12 year olds with issues.

Path of exile

I used to play WoW to relax and talk shit with friends but after Legion with the introduction of Mythic+ it became a try hard hell hole. Became a try hard for years before I realized the game had become draining rather than an escape.

Pretty much all online games nowadays. Nobody plays for fun anymore. We took the stress of daily life and shoved it into games. Gotta make it in real life, so gotta make it in the game.

That being said, shooters like CoD and games FIFA are especially radioactive.

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