Which two neighbouring states differ the most culturally?

By elvoyk
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This is one of the few times where it would have made sense to leave Hawaii and Alaska out, hehe

Nevada vs Utah. Capital of vice in Las Vegas and capital of Mormonism in SLC

California vs California

Maryland vs. West Virginia

Pennsylvania alone has like 3 different cultures

Oklahoma – New Mexico

North Florida – South Florida

Before anyone saying here Minnesota – North Dakota, just no. I am sure there are far better candidates. Western Minnesota is indistinguishable from ND and there are many other things they share like German/Scandinavian ancestry, shared accent, ND diaspora in Twin cities. For North Dakotans, Twin City is like New York or Las Vegas that is very close. Big cities of ND like Fargo and Grand Forks straddles the border of MN, being influenced by it etc. They are different but there are just many better candidates like Oklahoma- New Mexico.

Maybe not the most different but Vermont and New Hampshire are a funny couple

Texas-Louisiana one is cowboys and the other is Cajun

Nevada outside of Vegas and Reno is very similar to Utah. Mormon and rural. Even Las Vegas is over a quarter Mormon.

Either Colorado-Oklahoma or Oregon-Nevada

Kansas and Missouri had a pretty big beef a few years back.

Probably not the most but I drive across the Arkansas/Louisiana border fairly often and I’m always shocked just how different they are just across the line.

Washington and Idaho probably.
One is very urban, liberal with liberal drug policies and the other is very rural and very conservative

Chicago and Illinois

Canada and Michigan.

One is a cold, distant land of hockey mad hicks, and the other is a dystopian communist hellscape. /s

It’s almost like they’re different countries.

You haven’t taken into consideration “Lapland”. It’s more notable in some states than others. Consider the Texas Louisiana border. Louisiana is considered to lap into Texas a band of about 20 miles.

As a whole Virginia and West Virginia are pretty different. Western Virginia is pretty similar to West Virginia but when you take into account Northern Virginia and Richmond/Tidewater there’s a pretty big difference culturally

Massachusetts vs. New Hampshire
Vermont vs. New Hampshire

are decent candidates.

I live in MA, and I feel like NH and VT are very culturally different. “Live free or die” vs “we elected the only socialist senator”

California/Arizona. Politically different. Saguaros end right at the river.

Maryland and West Virginia

Colorado – Kansas/Oklahoma feels very differently culturally

Although the eastern plains of Colorado definitely line up with Oklahoma/Kansas, for most of what people experience and think of Colorado is the start of the West where recreation reigns supreme whereas Kansas is Midwest plains and Oklahoma is Southern plains

It might be a weird stance, but North and South Carolina. There is no united “Carolina” identity. they’re so close, but have completely different cultural identifies and points of pride.

New Hampshire and Vermont are complete opposites. They even look like mirror images!

Colorado and Utah are night and day.

Pennsylvania and New Jersey

Colorado and Wyoming. First state to legalize weed vs Trump worship. Outdoor recreation is the primary overlap

Louisiana & Texas

Virginia and West Virginia

Texas and New Mexico. No question.

Washing/Oregon and Idaho

MD and WV

Alaska and Hawaii

Utah and New Mexico

New Hampshire and Vermont


North Carolina & South Carolina 

Nebraska Colorado

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