Which video game fandom is this?

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League of legends

Apex Legends! The subreddit is full of ppl complaining.



Every fandom has at least a few people like this.


Destiny 2.




Dead by Daylight.

It’s a bit like an abusive relationship:
You know going back to it will only harm you in the long run, but then you remind yourself of the “fun times” you had together, and keep telling yourself that it still has the potential to get better – even though deep down, you know that’s BS.
Then you do give it another chance, only to immediately regret it once it hits you over the head with a healthy dose of reality… and so the cycle continues.

As for myself, the only reason I still touch that burning trash heap of a game is because I have some (online) friends I’m very fond of who don’t really play much else in terms of multiplayer.
It’s the only game in that specific friend group that everyone can somewhat get behind, as we have different tastes otherwise, and the one we got to know each other through.

If not for them, I 100% would have uninstalled without ever looking back years ago.

League of Legends lmao


Smash Bros Ultimate. But at least I enjoy fighting CPUs and doing dumb stuff with my friends (games with my friends are 50% fsmash reads and 50% fsmash spam)

Any competitive game

league of legends…

For Honor

It’s literally cod and ark I see those two complain about the game the most out of every other one just to keep playing

Like… every game with a big player base that has ever existed lol.

World of Warcraft

Ark: Survival Evolved for me. I didn’t spend a lot of time in the community, but I was surprised at the amount of “this game sucks” feedback from regular, habitual players.

At least until I played a good amount of it.
It’s an amazing game full of great ideas and fantastic moments that regularly sucks as if it hates you specifically.

It will constantly, repeatedly, punish you for trying to play.

Fortnite omg fortnite

Every 2K game nowadays

every fandom out there

Apex Legends. I believe that people are playing it out of pure spite.

Diablo 4. Big time!


Apex legends


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