Which Video Game Final Boss Had You Like This?

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Shadow of Mordor

Skyrim. I’ve said it many times and I’ll say it again, alduin is the most pathetic final boss I’ve ever beaten. It’s just a regular dragon fight but you have 4 other people helping you!

Dying light, the final boss was fine, but underwhelming just being a “hit button to attack/defend” sequence

The lynels in BOTW were literally harder than both stages of the final boss.

Prince of Persia two thrones and Batman: Arkham Asylum.

Fable 2. Say what you will about the franchise, fable 2 was a good game, the final boss was a disappointment

Bioshock is literally the answer lol

Mass Effect 3.

Because there is not one.

Uncharted 2 with Lazarobitch had me raging 😭

Alduin, when I accidentally one shot him with Mehrunes Dagon😅

Adam Smasher was hilariously easy in Cyberpunk, pre version 2.1.

He’s been buffed significantly since, in health, damage, aggression and now uses Sandevistan, but still is not overly challenging.

A Plague Tale. Loved the game but that stupid rat priest at the end was silly.

Breath of the Wild

Hogwarts Legacy

Sonic generations having the worst final boss in the franchise is so funny. How is the time eater so bad dude. Also special shoutouts to the final horizon dlc for Sonic frontiers, the final boss of that is so bad I had to look up how to kill it because the only way the player is going to naturally discover that information is fully completing EVERYTHING from the dlc.

Elden Ring. All the bosses were fun except for that god dam loch Ness monster at the end. All it did was run away from you and spam aoes. You can use your horse now, but that was added when the dlc released two years later.

Tanimura’s boss fight at the ending of Yakuza 4

Sonic Generations. The game itself is so, so good. The final boss is an untested mess.

Stick of Truth

Just Cause 3. All the epic and grandiose is gone in the end battle: you just hide or run away until there is an opening and you just shoot. And this goes on for way too long, being way too stale. The arena concept seems cool, but the executing is horrendous

Rais from Dying Light, all the cool parkour stuff to get up his tower, and for what?!

might be unpopular but Baldur’s Gate 3. The game itself is incredible (I almost have 800 hours in it) but without basically cheesing the entire fight, it becomes unbearable since at that point I just want to end the game and get to the epilogue

Shadow of Mordor

Sonic Generations. Literally peak until you fight the Time Eater.

Borderlands 1. Not going to spoil it for anyone but it extremely disappointed 15 year old me

Shadow of Mordor… if you know you know…

Any Uncharted

Beyond Good and Evil. You have to do the combo without getting hit once, or the boss recovers.


Didn’t got to it, but I gave up Octopath Traveler when learning that the final boss was basically a marathon of 8 bosses + a 2-phase final showdown. I have so many other amazing games to play.

I believe it was Gears of War 2 or 3 where you call down the space laser on the giant monster underground. Climactic but boring for a last boss.

Elden Ring’s DLC made me feel that way

arkham asylum final boss is the only thing holding it back and botw final boss is just crap

Mass Effect 3’s Catalyst. He’s the central Reaper AI, but you literally don’t fight him. Instead, he just dumps exposition about his backstory and intent with his Reaper fleet to a heavily injured Commander Shepard, and then offers them one of three final choices to make on how to use the Crucible against the Catalyst and his Reaper fleet.

Sly cooper 4. The last boss was basically a bunch of quick time events

Sifu for me 🤣

I’m going old school and I’m going to say Batman Arkham Asylum. The game is incredible but the final joker boss fight sucks imo

Risen. It was a puzzle.

Just Cause 3. It’s one of my top 3 favorite games, but the final boss is just underwhelming and disappointing.

The answer from the comments seems to be most open world games. Since most of the quests and exploration is optional, you should (in theory) be able to beat the final boss having done nothing else but the main story. And since most people do a lot more than the main story, we’re almost always far more leveled up than required to fight the final boss.

In a technical sense, punching out a fat old man for the last boss of Assassins Creed 2 sounds lame, then you re contextualise it as ‘a bare knuckle fist fight with the pope’ and realise it was awesome

Skyrim. If you’re focusing exclusively on the story progression then I’m sure the results are a bit different, but the game encourages you to explore the world and do side quests so that’s what I did. I feel like they hyped up the fight with Alduin for the whole game, he’s called the “World Eater” which sounds pretty serious so I prepared for a pretty serious fight. But when I finally face Alduin he turned out to be a massive pushover, he wasn’t any more of a challenge than the other Dragons you fight all throughout the game. And when he’s defeated it’s kinda like “welp, that’s it… guess I’ll just go back to bullying and slaughtering the Thalmor into extinction”



Xenoblade 3

Both Elden Ring and the DLC. Especially the DLC.

Nobody mentions Horizon Zero Dawn? Amazing game, but the final adversary is a common robot enemy you already killed dozens of, just with a time limit. Such a disappointment.

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