Whirling Dervish at the 2025 Istanbul protests.

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Can you imagine somebody picking this image out of the ruins of a nuclear wasteland. The stories that would come of it.

This needs to be a Tarot Card.

Oh my god this is amazing.

It’s so funny to see people who are okay with AI “art” coming up with the most pedantic points and arguments in this comment section.

“Yeah well, would a single line be considered art?”

Shut up, everyone here can type and read. Typing words and clicking create is not imaginative and should not be considered as “self made”.

I wouldn’t consider it art, but that’s a personal opinion.

Love this

This looks like a Ghost BC fanart

Psycho Mantis?

original picture went hard enough we didnt need to ai slop-ify it

It’s not drawn. It’s AI.

This is a very powerful and symbolic image for the Turkish sensibility and culture: spirituality under assault.

AI aside, this is magnificent!

I’m an American. I’m getting a tattoo of this guy

O.K . I need the Protestors all together : Whirling Dervish, Mud Wizard, Cpt. Columbia, Monsieur Bearknuckle,the Pyro of Georgia and Last but not least The howling Hound of Greece Loukanikos

Too many fingers

Fight for demokrasi!

Don’t promote AI art

“Put down your controllers on the floor”


simply wonderful

GI Gurdjieff vibes

For too long they claim pkk were freedom fighters and Europe blame Turkey. Now erdogan works with pkk founder and people who want democracy fights for their rights while europe stays silent. Shame.

Well this is fabulous. Excellent turnaround time.

***”When the prophets learn of this, they will take your head!”***

This is god damn epic!

Fuck Erdogan, he is still transferring jihadists from central Asia to Syria, soon enough he will turn them to attack Europe



While highly detailed it still looks like a generic image.

Wish we could find the source for all the art that went into this model to create this. 

Shame this is AI. It’s so pretty.

Such a symbolic moment.

#TeamTurkiye (the people, not the government)

The original pictures are already quite impactful. an AI generated, watered down version is not needed

The Reddit algorithm is trash for recommending this Sub-Reddit to myselfDown vote, but my algorithm is my algorithm 😁

Mossad finanaced Coup Plot.

Can we stop the Turkiye spam in this sub unless it’s something really important?

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