Who are you guys praying that the devs add to Marvel Rivals?

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More tanks and healers, no matter who.


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Cosmo the spacedog

Ghost Rider! (Blaze or Ketch)

Kitty Pryde and Armor

Brother, I’m on my knees for Juggernaut, Cyclops, or colossus. Just need more X-men reps and I’ll be happy

A lot of xmen


Jean grey and cyclops


Juggernaut and the Sentinel as vanguards


Cyclops and Daredevil. Then I can be at peace lol


My bbbbbb





Optimization man

Luckily I’ve already got my favorites in Hulk, Venom, and Magneto. Though if I had to pick one I wanted the most (that isn’t leaked yet) it’d be Green Goblin. I think he could be immensely fun as either a Duelist or Strategist, raining down explosive pumpkin bombs while zooming around on his glider.

Vanguard Ghost Rider 🙏

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Is it strange I think I figured out a way to make him a tank instead of another dps?



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Dormammu when

J Jonah Jameson


Bishop as a Vanguard

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Also just more mutants in general

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– S.H.I.E.L.D bases
– Stages based in New York
– The rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy
– Iron Heart (Strategist), Ms. Marvel (Vanguard)
– Nova (Sam) & Spidey (Miles) as either Strategist or Duelists
– Daughters of the Dragon (Misty & Colleen)
– More Villains & Female characters in general
– More gamemodes for Rank matches
– Just more Vanguards & Strategists honestly. I found some success in a couple of them but we definitely need more variety to urge others into playing them.

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The walking atom bomb herself: Jubilee.

Carnage (or any other symbiotes really I ain’t picky)

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