Who is an actor or actress that no one can hate ?

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James Earl Jones RIP

Dame Maggie Smith.

RIP legend ❤️

Willem Dafoe

Does Mr Rogers count as an actor?

Steve Buscemi

Betty White

Matthew Lilliard! The guy is an absolute legend and all round nice guy by all accounts.

Danny Devito

Michael Clarke Duncan

Gary Sinise

Stanley Tucci

Paul Rudd

Dick Van Dyke, Carol Burnett, Dolly Parton, Fred Rogers, Chris Farley

Micheal J Fox


Keanu Reeves
Brendan Fraser

Alison Janney

She’s the best thing in the thing she’s in

Craig Robinson. I don’t know if anyone hates him, he seems like a nice guy

Not a full-blown actress, but Dolly Parton.

Rick Moranis & Brendan Fraser

Robin Williams

Sir Patrick Stewart, Elijah Wood, Carrie Fisher, Vigo Mortensen

Sir Christopher Lee

Octavia Spencer! never heard a bad word about her and she’s never in the news for controversial stuff like so many actors

Bryan Cranston

Michael J Fox

John Candy

He’s no longer with us, but Gregory Peck walked so Keanu could run.

Lavar Burton

Alan Tudyk. The man is just a delight.

Some good suggestions.

I’ll add Norman Reedus to the list of considerations. He always sounds so grateful to his fans for his success. And always seems to take the time to engage them.

Does Weird Al count as an actor? He was the star of UHF and has done a ton of bit parts and voice work.

Tom Hanks, Heath Ledger, Keanu Reeves, Brendan Fraser.

Pedro Pascal

Michael j fox

Rick Moranis

sir patrick stewart

John Ritter

Daniel Washington

Edit: Denzel’s long lost brother


Elijah Wood

goldie hawn and kurt russell

Daniel Radcliffe.

Julie Andrews

Olivia Coleman

Paul Giamatti

Michael Caine

Adam Sandler, you can hate the movies but not the guy

Robin Williams R.I.P.

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