Who knew your values show your character? Apparently not Ben.

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โ€œCanโ€™t even be a hateful, bigoted, anti-science nut job without everyone making a big deal out of it. Sheesh!โ€

I don’t watch that kinda thing, but I guess she didn’t see herself barefoot, pregnant and making him dam samiches either

Just searched it on YouTube seems to be a lot of conservatives whining about it

Imagine picking hateful views that harms another person and being upset someone doesn’t like you for those reasons.


Oof, the new curse of the conventionally attractive blonde progressive. Dating must be a fucking minefield for them.

What were his views?

Obviously, instead of _Love Is Blind_, they should be watching _Love Is Stupid_.

I read up on this guy and he would kind of change subjects when these issues came up. And then guys wonder why so many women donโ€™t trust โ€œcentristsโ€ lol

My question is, if she knew his beliefs leading up to the altar, how did he get there in the first place? Knowing full well these shows are probably mostly scripted and purposefully lead toward the most sensational tv momentsโ€ฆ

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They forgot the instructions manual

Okay, can someone explain this show to me? Why did she even walk down the isle if she wasnโ€™t gonna marry him? Do the contestants have to?

Loserโ€ฆ no sane person wants a perpetually angry. ย hateful person in their lives

Fucking spoiler alert!

โ€ฆthis is my favorite smut TV.

Itโ€™s fake reality tv bullshit thatโ€™s scripted more than a WWE match

notice how everything he describes is either an acronym or vaguely written like โ€œthe vaccineโ€

these people need you to be as distanced as possible from what theyโ€™re talking about in order to better ostracize and โ€œotherโ€ the subject to other people so that you donโ€™t take the โ€œwrongโ€ stance

*waaaaaa! itโ€™s not fair that I get rejected for having hateful opinions and for wanting to inflict harm on people who arenโ€™t exactly like me. People are so mean!!*

This ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Wow a liberal bashing a conservative for their personal views because they think their way is the right way….how is that any different than what conservatives do to liberals? I’m a fence sitter and you can see a lot of bs on both sides of that fence, especially the hypocrisy.

I’m saying both sides have issues they need to consider before being a pot and calling the kettle black.

She literally has a gay sister and he remained hateful. That’s his choice.

He’s a bad person. I don’t care if I get downvoted. I said what I said.

Her whole personality is social justice. He made out on this one.

Unfortunately there are just as many maga ย women who will eat him up.

I just read an article. She has a gay sister. No shit itโ€™s a big deal

Lol This feels so scripted

Don’t stay with me because my personalty stay with me because it’s harder to leave


Honesty you are kind of a loser no matter which side of the political isle you are on if you get worked up by reality tv.

Im worried you dont know these are scripted by now. How old are you?

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