Who meeds med school when you have feeeeeelings

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Oh I hate parents like this. Yes I know my children well, better than anyone, but that doesn’t mean I have all of the answers. They’re still an independent human being capable of their own thoughts and feelings. These are the children whose parents end up crippling them for life. 

As a teacher, I hear this kind of stuff all the time. Great Susan, you know your son, but I know math, and that boy can’t add.

I know my kids well enough to take them to a professional when there is an issue that’s above my paygrade

I miss the days when stupid people used to stay quiet because they didn’t want anyone to know how stupid that they were.

Reminds me of something I heard about people getting upset when you call them out about their kids are running wild or off the rails. “You’re not a parent, you can’t understand!” You’re right. I’m not a parent. I’m also not a helicopter pilot but when I see one upside down in a tree I know… someone fucked up.

So when her kid gets pneumonia or breaks a bone or something, she’ll be fixing it all herself because she knows best?

that kid can’t wait to grow up, marry and move the fuck out of the all knowing mother den

A HumAn bEinG is nOt a CaR!

Great. Explain to me how breathing works.

Not a vaccinated one in the bunch would probably win a bet. No such thing as a virus if you can’t see ‘em. Plus it looks like Jules thinks pretty highly of herself by checking out her handle.

Did she just say she breastfeeds her 12 year old?

Does she watch the child breathe all night?

Why censor “fuck”?

Poor kid.

I’m also the only person in *my* body for the last 30 years, that doesn’t mean I don’t occasionally need an expert lol

If your only claim to credibility is that nine months before you let a guy jizz inside you… sorry, you have none.

Wow. Lady got rawdogged & knocked up, now she can cure every childhood disease. Amazing.

Being a parent is not a qualification.

It’s being a mammal.

Reminds me of the pro Brexit minister in the UK during the lead up to the vote. ” I think the people of this country have had enough of experts”

When does she sleep? She watches them round the clock. No wonder she’s lost her mind, sleep deprivation is a killer

You haven’t even been a parent for a year and you are telling people “fuck your 12 years of med school”? Skill issue.

And we all know parents are the ones who know the absolute least about their kids, particularly as they get older. So many are completely blind to any fault in their child & will absolutely deny that *their* little darling could possibly do anything wrong.

Username checks out. She’s quite lovely

Fuck your 12 years of medschool. I know meningitis when I see it. I’ve raised this child for 11 years. I know medicines nw9

This is my sister with my nieces and nephews. It’s so exhausting.

That poor child.

Doctors will tell parents that they know their kids best and will take note of what parents say about their kids being sick.

Why would you even see a doctor if you know better anyway?

Medicine is a team sport. You need to help your doctor help you. They can’t help you with information that they don’t have.

As a doctor, I would probably not trust a doctor who took 12 years to finish med school either.

But also fuck this lady.

I liked the world better when I wasn’t subjected to the daily brain fart postings from mouth breathing morons.

I’m the only person who has ever lived in my body. I would still rather have a medical professional diagnose my problems

Oh, I know that cry. That’s a cancer cry! Hodgkin’s – no, NON-Hodgkin’s lymphoma!

Honestly if you express these opinions so aggressively, openly, and with the intention of swaying others to your “side” or way of thinking, then I don’t think you should ever get access to whatever it is you’re decrying.

All of these assholes were anti-medical science all throughout 2020… that is, until they were in desperate need of medical science!! Then when they were brought back from the brink of death by the hands of skilled but exhausted medical professions? It was because God. God did it!!

Fuck these people. I want them all 💀 🪦 🤢 👻

We are currently being stupided to death.

Can people who are dumber than bricks please stop giving birth.

As a pediatric nurse I started seeing this “fierce mom” self-labeling in the early 2000s. They loved to think because moms always know best about vaccines despite their lack of education of biology, physiology, or immunology.

The early days of Facebook gave rise to these mother’s group where they praised each other for rejecting the advice of physicians. Somehow they believed their instincts were superior to science. Moms who did follow the MDs advice were ridiculed. This, of course, created pressure to conform to the shared ignorance.

User name lies. She is not lovely.

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