Black has a horrible board position, his center is totally blown out and it looks like he made a failed attack on the flank that ran out of tempo and cost him material. It also looks like his king has made a kings walk all the way to H4? He’s playing a dangerous game unless he’s trying to force a draw or make his opponent lose on time.
1 month ago
God forbid men have hobbies
1 month ago
How is that even possible?
1 month ago
bro is literally dressed to win
1 month ago
What if it’s a stalemate? Seeing that there is no time restriction and whites position is winning
Black has a horrible board position, his center is totally blown out and it looks like he made a failed attack on the flank that ran out of tempo and cost him material. It also looks like his king has made a kings walk all the way to H4? He’s playing a dangerous game unless he’s trying to force a draw or make his opponent lose on time.
God forbid men have hobbies
How is that even possible?
bro is literally dressed to win
What if it’s a stalemate? Seeing that there is no time restriction and whites position is winning
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