whole bus is empty and this person sits right next to me?

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Someone did that to me once I told them they were weird. They stared daggers at me after moving

This comment thread is crazy. This is extremely not normal. If you are uncomfortable it is because you natural instincts are kicking in. Trust your instincts. If it feels weird it is because something is not right. Just move if this ever happens again. You don’t owe strangers on the bus anything.

Always sit in the “aisle” seat when the bus isn’t crowded. No one will ask you to get up and move so they can take the window seat beside you and if they do, you can choose another seat.

Too many people in this comment section are way too trusting. I would have got up and moved.

This happens to me at the beach all the time. Super annoying. You literally have the whole beach, why come and sit anywhere near me?!!

Despite many of the comments here, you are not wrong to feel uncomfortable. It is not a normal thing to do, especially as you have said you are a minor. An adult man has no business sitting next to you when every other seat is free. It is creepy, at best. I am aware in your comments you have said that you have anxiety and froze which is an understandable response, but please know that if you ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe on the bus in future, you can ask the bus driver for help. They should have policies to assist you. Especially as a minor.

Always trust your gut. If something/someone makes you feel uneasy, there’s a reason for it and listen to your body.

Move. This person does not respect personal space.

For clarification. I am a minor, the person next to me was an adult man. I am not accusing them of anything nor am I trying to imply anything. This just made me very uncomfortable considering basically every single seat was open (accept for the person in the seat in front of me) and this was the first stop the bus goes to. I apologize for not saying this earlier, but I am not making fun of them I swear

This pisses me off so bad! Like sit elsewhere. There are plenty of seats. Why do they have to plop down beside you?

As a man with daughters, there are only three reasons someone would do this,

1: extremely socially inept
2: being a creep
3: under the influence and completely unaware

My head is drifting towards number 2. I’m sorry this happened OP, like some of the others suggested please take an aisle seat if you’re in this situation in future even though it’s ridiculous or get up and make the driver aware. I’m sorry this happened to you.

Same thing happened to me in an empty train car. Dude’s hand was moving in his pants and he kept trying to get me to look at him. Better to be safe than sorry and get up and move. Better yet, if youre able, sit in such a way that no one can sit next to you or block your exit. Sucks to be a woman that you have to worry about preventing things like this 🙁

I don’t care what anyone says. This guy is a creep and is getting his rocks off with this interaction. Once I read “adult man” sitting next to “minor”, it all became clear.

Get up and move. That’s weird and I would think something is up . Protect yourself 

It’s ok to get up and move if you’re not comfortable… be safe!!

Empty bus = put your bag next to you with your hand on it so they won’t sit there

If they sit there, loudly ask if you can get past so you can go sit alone again thanks

Same thing happened to me once, he only got up when I pretended to get off the bus. I have no idea why people would do this, I was very uncomfortable the entire ride

I’m a grown man and this would even freak me out. I’d just move though.

This looks like an MBTA bus. The [MBTA See Say app](https://www.mbta.com/security/see-something-say-something) can be a great tool.

I ride the bus everyday. I am a woman. If this happened to me I’d get up while loudly taking to the bus driver about what the fuck ever so he saw me. Go sit up by the driver. Be safe. Fuck that weirdos feelings.

Rip a fat fart, then get up and move.

Since you posted this now, on r/mildlyinfuriating, I’m assuming nothing bad happened to you. That’s suspicious behavior, don’t listen to people who say otherwise. “Not all men” doesn’t matter, it’s enough men that every girl and woman should be cautious. Look into safety tips for women.

I went to a movie theater on a Wednesday around 11 am while I waited for my oil change on my vehicle. The movie theater was across the parking lot from the oil change place so I decided to go watch a random movie since they were backed up and were gonna take over an hour.

Once I got my ticket I entered the movie theater and I legit had the entire theater to myself. It was fucking awesome! I sat smack dab in the middle.

Then this lady walked in, and sat right next to me, not one seat over, right next to me.

Granted I am a dude and I was single at the time but I WANTED my own space and alone time to munch as loud as possible on my popcorn and hotdog.

I was not in a socializing mood. I knew the theater would be practically empty which is why I walked over to it in the first place.

If the roles had been reversed in that situation, and I were a female with a dude sitting right next to me I would’ve just walked up and left.

As another poster commented, for some people, sometimes the confidence to stand up for yourself comes with age and practice. It’s not like we are in these awkward situations daily so most don’t get a chance to “practice” so to speak.

It happened to me earlier as the person I boarded with sat next to me despite the bus being empty.

Although I wasn’t exactly going to tell my wife to sit elsewhere

The second a person gets on and starts walking my way (when there’s plenty of open seating) I put my purse or jacket or package or anything on the seat next to me. If they ask me to move it I refuse and tell them to look around….bc this seat is taken.

I had this happen to me when I was younger, like in high school. A grown ass man sat next to me on a near empty bus, then started yawning and pretended to fall asleep until he was fully just leaning against me. I nudged him away once or twice, but when it kept happening I shoved him off and pushed past him then went to stand right by the driver. The fucker got off at the next stop. I just despise creeps like this, and you should never be embarrassed to get yourself away from a weird and icky situation

Had someone do this to me on the DC Metro. I just turned to them and said “ahh so you want to learn about our savior Tiamut who will bring about the emergence and deliver mankind to a new realm of being…” and they immediately moved to other side of train car.

(Yes the Eternals had just come out the week before. 😅)

Either trying to cop a feel, or trying to steal your wallet/purse. There is NO legit reason to sit next to you when the bus is empty.

That happened to me in a movie theater. There were maybe three people for an early showing. So that means this guy looked at the screen and decided “let me sit next to that person in this completely empty theater” and selected the seat. What a dick.

This is akin to walking into an otherwise empty restroom and insisting on sharing a urinal.

‘Really? You’re sitting next to me on an empty bus? Get up and let me out.’

You have to take charge of your situations. Starting now.

If you’re ever uncomfortable go sit with the bus driver , doesn’t matter what it is!

If you feel unsafe , periodt , always look after yourself before protecting people’s feelings.

This is so inappropriate

The words, “You gotta be %^*}*] kidding me” would have been uttered loudly followed by (also very loud but not shouting), “Excuse me. I’m going to go sit at one of the other empty seats on this bus.”

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