Whole family visiting for Christmas, and mom got mad about people touching the thermostat

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The one on the left is the old one that doesn’t work anymore. The one on the right is the new replacement.

To be fair who touches another’s thermostat. Animals

She covered the temp sensor. Will get hot

Who the hell touches the thermostat at someone else’s house? If you’re not paying the bill, you ask for the temperature to be changed.

I’m with Mama on this one.

Ironically this is blocking the air vents that let the thermostat accurately measure the temperature and will probably result in erratic behavior.

I need to know what temperature it’s set at to pick a side.

When I was about 15, I was at a family Christmas party and it was getting super hot. Turns out one of my bratty little cousins had turned up the thermostat to 90 degrees F. After being caught and unapologetic, one of adult women (not his mom), pinned him to the floor and sat on him. At first he called her fat and other names, still being defiant. Even his mom pleaded with her to let him up. I will never forget the smug look on her face as the kid started to cry and apologize for what he had done. BTW, she was still sipping wine from he glass the whole time.

What was it set on? Did the house feel like a lizard terrarium?

This is all of us right now. Christmas insanity. Approved

Isn’t thermostat guarding a dad thing?

You know it’s bad when MOM is getting upset!

I couldn’t imagine the gall of being in someone else’s house and messing with their home equipment.

Wtf! Who touches a thermostat in someone else’s house?

Yeah but was it set on a reasonable temp or 11 degrees above “grandma hot?”

Who the fuck touches the thermostat in someone else’s house? Psychotic behavior.

If she’s like my grandparents and keeps the temp at 78 so I have to go stand outside every 10 minutes to stop sweating, I’m on your side.

If it’s a reasonable temp, I’m on mom’s side.

If your having guests over, your house better not be a terrarium.

Still see the thermostat

I would be too if people are walking into my house and touch my stuff

Can’t wait for the second thermostat to go out and the 3rd to be installed next to these. Like the old guys that driveway stack 3 generations of chevy trucks in front of their house that will never run agian.

I’m literally standing outside my Aunts house now because it’s so hot in there

Crazy that someone would touch the thermostat of the place they’re visiting. It’s not your house, stop touching things.

It would be equivalent to go through the picture settings of someone’s TV and changing them to your preferences.

I used to work at a 711 we had no control of the thermostat so when it got to hot we would microwave an old burrito and stick it on top of the box around the thermostat and we got sweet AC.

That also covered the temp sensor so it won’t operate properly

This is the level of salty I appreciate!


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