Who’s the strongest person you know irl

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My father did several positions in the navy for 33 years. Nuclear Chemist aboard submarine, shooter on an aircraft carrier, anti submarine warfare from planes. He’s done beauratic positions for the last 15 years, and been a school teacher for 5 years now. His hobby is blacksmithing, lots of upper body expected, strength is there but doesn’t look tremendously prominent. What is surprising is his calves. Those goddamn things are like tree trunks and I have no idea why! He cannot wear skinny jeans-they don’t fit over his calves. He does not work out besides blacksmithing, been in beauracracy for so long. Watching him go up stairs is like the Metroman scene in Megamind.

Anatoly videos be like:

A cornbread fed lineman I worked with from Oklahoma. Mofo is like 6’2 280ish and will pick up a 200 pound crane hook like your picking up a toddler. The guys a freak of nature.

That being said I love surprising people with strength cause I’m not the biggest by any means and not super cut or jacked but people have seen the shit Iv done at work and have been told it’s surprising how strong I am.

I knew a guy who laid carpet for a living and my God he was as strong as an ox 🐂, dude would pick up huge rolls of carpet and over the shoulder them inside a house like it was nothing. As a teenager I could barely make the roll of carpet move side to side 🤦🏻‍♂️

My cousin is like 6’5 mountain and picks up deer by himself to help hang them like its bread

The Amish guy that sells produce at the gas station on weekend mornings or the 60 year old farmer that lives up the road from my in-laws

When somebody uses the muscles their whole life for more than a few specific motions then it’s not a surprise that they actually know how to use them

Whats a Blue collar worker babes

I saw a fat dude absolutely bodying and throwing a huge body builder 10 feet a across the room once at a bar.

It was an unexpected but beautiful sight.

I don’t know about the strongest but I know about the weakest person irl..and that’s me.. who else?


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