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better excel than devs using your web browser as a virtual machine

Oh, wait, let me turn the ad blocker back on…

2024: what are you running on 200 Cuda cores?
Oh it’s just my LLM searching for the missing semicolon on line 2.

In 1973: Houston, we have a liftoff
in 2019: Houston, we have an Excel hang

102% CPU usage just to ask if I’m sure about quitting without saving

In actual fairness the actual math to send someone to the moon is pretty simple, it’s figuring out how to apply that math and building the damned rocket that’s really hard.

In comparison a modern webpage or even moderately complex excel sheet does orders of magnitude more calculations per second and contains exponentially more data.


I am not savvy on this subject, but isn’t that because the CPU has to render the GUI?

If you aren’t packing your structs by hand what are you even doing.

That fuckin ole error and that dialogue box are really frustrating part of excel

Language choices and frameworks…

So why does it happen?

Recently had someone tell me that split screen gaming wasn’t possible due to it being too intensive for CPUs and GPUs.

Apparently the Xbox Series X or high-end PCs can do split screen Halo Infinite like how the OG Xbox could do with Halo 1 & 2.

any reason why each chrome tab uses between 100MB and 900MB of ram?

Aww..the “waiting OLE action to complete” annoys me the most

wait the stopped with sending ppl to the moon in 1972?? the fuck?

Because when you’re actually in a spaceship going to the moon, you don’t actually need that much ram. People seem to overestimate how much computation you need when travelling through space.

I wish they would teach this magic at CS…

Cause fuck optimisation

I’m a firm believer that many people don’t realise they have multiple desktops open on windows eating up resources

I mean, not *strictly* wrong.

I’ve often wondered over the years why Windows needed increasingly higher specs to perform the same or worse than previous versions.

Dont forget that astronauts who were sent to loon had computer do things like convert measurements from metric to imperial for the crew. Completely trivial to us today, back in the days even that ate some resources.

World used to be so much more futuristic. Not better, but back in the day with computers we all hold in hands today we would have gone to another solar system and all the problems would have been solved.

I once wrote a python script to auto click the mouse one time/second when I press F8. It used 20% of CPU. Then I added sleep(0.05 milisecond) to the thread and it went down to 0.1% CPU.

Hopefully it’s just troll post

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