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The only way they can save this is if Danny Devito is Harry Potter and Terry Crews is Hermione. Now what about Ron?

Of all the characters they could have cast a PoC, they really casted the one character that was specifically said had a “pale bleak face”

…as a Marauders fan i’m scared for they reputation in the fandom

That’s not a snape clone. That’s an alan rickman clone.



There are many characters in the books that only have vague physical descriptions and that could be easily played by poc actors, yet they choose to race-swap those that have a very defined look in the book… I simply do not understand the logic behind it, why try to piss of the fans that would consume your product?



Technically a truly accurate Snape would be something like this
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Something like Morgan Freeman as Dumbledore is acceptable, not this lol

i swear adam driver said he didn’t want to play snape/be in HP. after star wars he got so much unwanted attention like being shouted at in the streets and harry potter is probably even bigger than star wars so he’d just get the same attention. people forget actors don’t necessarily want to do all roles. they’re not just like on a website to buy and hire 😂

Two the actor they are saying got the role, He is way too attractive. Snape needs that Ick to his look, that slimy off putting ick of a man that truly though “a girl was kind to me” = “She loves me”

I had high expectations of the series and then they pull off this shit

There are so many characters where it truly wouldn’t have mattered much… McGonnagal for example.

Now I want to be clear, I’m not a racist, but nothing will replace the films for me, so I don’t particularly care about the casting of the new series

Water is wet. The sun is hot. Snape is not black. End of discussion.


It changes the whole story… Now James and friends, and probably Lilly too, are just racist caracters. I would have love to see a black caracter as someone we love, like Hermione, Lupin or Sirius Black… But Snape is bad casting.

Too handsome. There’s a literal description of his looks.

Tbf I imagine Adam driver wouldn’t want to commit to a single role for 10 years

Way to fuck up the immersion. And before anyone comes for me, making jarring changes to what our brains know and love will do just that. Snape is a sallow, pasty mf. By definition, someone with heightened melanin does not fit that description. You can’t race swap core characters and not have that become a focal point.

Hear me out: Keanu Reeves. FUCKING. KEANU. REEVES.

Actually the realest post ever

I want to see Daniel Radcliffe play Snape, THAT would be amazing

So if the show fails, they can blame us for being racists, easy human shield

If I was the casting crew I would’ve chosen the guy who looks closest to Snape

At this point, I don’t need more Harry Potter. The story already ended nicely, the author is a train wreck, and now the studios will squeeze weak OJ out of that IP until its pulp. Why bother? Instead, I’ll be looking at authors I haven’t read before.

They also cast an American man who’s currently 80 years old as Dumbledore. I really don’t have high hopes for this series.

Lupin, Sirius, Neville, Cedric, Hagrid, Moody….any of these characters could potentially be non-white characters! It just doesn’t make sense with Snape.

I don’t get people’s weird obsession with casting white characters as POCs. Hell, we even have people that existed getting color washed like the whole cast of Hamilton. Are people just too lazy so they make some sort of faux-representation by coloring in white characters/people?

Adam Driver might look like Rickman but that doesn’t mean he can deliver the same performance. Sometimes studios just hire good actors that can deliver the desired performance regardless of whether they fit the character description or not. That being said, I think this series would be better animated so that they can avoid the whole casting issue entirely.

To cause drama and be devicive so people will talk about it. That’s literally the only reason for social engagement. Ofciarse it makes no sense and here we are talking about a show that isn’t out yet like they wanted

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