Why are some people finding this hard to understand?

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There are morons who still believe the Earth is flat, that JFK Jr was coming back from the dead to serve as DJT’s VP running mate (last year I think.)

Questioning why stupid people believe stupid things is a waste of energy and life.

I’ve learned that, when I was younger, I gave my fellow Americans on the right too much intellectual and moral credit.

Needless to say, I no longer do.

The Cheeto just nominated an art dealer for Secretary of the Navy with no military experience.


But they voted for him because gas prices were low when he was president the first time! He’s supposed to bring those back! What happened?


They’ll selectively forget to impose the tariff on the gas imports…

When gas prices soar, there will be more “Thanks Biden” stickers going around…

Hi everyone. The reason the morons don’t believe this will be an issue is because they think they can just “drill” their way out of it. They believe the reason we import and export oil is because we either have too much or not enough oil to refine.

When the actual reason is that oil is different everywhere depending on where it is located. It has a different chemical makeup and needs to be combined with other oils in order to produce what we use here in the states. We also don’t really have any full on oil refineries.

That is all a gross oversimplification of the process, but it just goes to show trumpers once again taking something complex and instead taking the simple but wrong answer over the complicated but true one..

It’s *almost* like he has some strange, nefarious intent. Perhaps a vested interest in crippling the US from within? Perhaps some desire to help a country that rhymes with Crussia? Hmm. I guess we’ll never know!

I see these posts and the like and all I can picture is someone shouting at a hurricane to calm down. You, as a country voted for this. Trump has started to the prep to implement project 2025. There is no stopping it. It’s going to be just as bad as people warned and it will put America back decades. Look to Argentina and the recent visit milei made to trump and musk. That’s your future. Jumping up in outrage at every little thing is just going to send you crazy and keep you occupied and impotent. Better to stay calm and prepare to deal with the storm

If tariffs have any *real* purpose, it’s to increase domestic production of a good. Realistically how much more oil and gas do Republicans think the US could produce?

Stop using big words like “Impose”, “defended” and “You”. MAGA don’t understand these words.

You know the Keystone Pipeline they have their panties in a twist about? Yeah….

Trump operational plan.
1. Create a crisis by announcing some outrageous move. Quietly tie it to something he actually wants.

2. Sabre rattle and move towards implementing said outrageous action. Maybe even do it.

3. Get some change even if it’s not the one he wanted or one that was going to happen anyway.

4. Back off declare victory regardless of outcome. Even if he gets nothing.

5. End result is further damage to our institutions and functioning of our economy and/or society.

Great way to push for EV adoption, except, wait, many EV components and vehicles come from Mexico or Canada.


Step 1: Increase gas prices by imposing tariffs on oil imports.

Step 2: Wait until the pain is really felt, everywhere, from fueling up your family car to the increased prices on consumer goods because of shipping / trucking cost increases.

Step 3: Blame and villainize the left and the EPA for supporting ecological protection. Sprinkle with fabricated bullshit about how this started with Biden, or how the situation is the result of any remaining policy and influence from the Dems.

Step 4: Abolish protection, demolish domestic wilderness and pollute the desecrate the local environment so US oil companies can have absolute uninhibited access to our remaining natural resource and make an absolute killing.

Step 5: Allow prices to come down a bit to paint this as a win while still seeing the largest oil and gas profit margins in history.

Will egg prices go down tho? That was the promise /s

Time to print those “I did that! 👆🏻” stickers but with Trump’s face

Because 54% of US adults read below a 6th-grade level. 21% are functionally illiterate.

Cheers Dipshits!

MAGA- Have you considered that the libs “were owned”so the price is worth it?

The guy was running to keep himself out of jail, and to get revenge. He intends to punish everybody and get revenge on America for not reelecting him in 2020.

So tired of these posts. No one cares. I used to care and think ohh no how bad will it be, turns out no one cares. Trump will do a lot of stupid stuff, even if gas prices and price of everything goes up no one will care. They will find a way to make it hunter bidens laptop’s fault or Kamala or Joe Biden.

im sure when trump get out of office conservatives will blame the price of everything on the next president

Leon Musk: “Expect hardship.”

Because they’ll blame the Democrats … and the MAGATs will believe it.

Comes down to what the export/import ratio is for Canada, because they will be putting tariffs on imports from us which will hurt US sales.

And the goal is not to reduce our price at the pump, it is to maximize profits for US gas producers. How are you guys not understanding this? We have to make sacrifices so the billionaires can profit, that was literally the campaign promise.

He believes the U S Big Oil companies will provide the gas at low prices, Drill baby Drill even though we are producing more oil now than anytime in our history. The problem is refining the oil, we don’t have the refining capability to keep up. Keep your I did that stickers ready.

Because they still do not understand that Trump and the GOP have a different agenda than they were told.

Their current plan is to start a recession while gutting social services and worker’s rights. Poor workers in debt are much easier to exploit.

Christians are magical thinkers.

The myth that the US can be entirely independent economically from the rest of the world is absolutely insane.

There’s an old Madden commercial where Kevin Hart is being an absolute shit head to Dave Franco, and at the end of it they start playing a round and someone interrupts them to tell Dave his house is on fire. Which Dave responds to with “let it burn”. That is how I feel going into this.

Much like the wall that Mexico was going to pay for during his first presidency, people are going to find out that this was a lie too. Not imposing the tariffs, but who pays for it. We paid for the wall and we are going to pay for the trade war that will be starting.

Let him do it. I can’t wait to see all the leopards eating those faces.

At this point we all tried to tell them. We have warned. We have tried to educate and explain and had “fuck your feelings” thrown back at us.
These folks are only gonna learn when it happens to them. I’m resigned to the fact until they are paying $8 gallons for gas and avocados and coffee become an extreme luxury good they won’t learn shit.

They won’t believe it until they are at the pump.

And then will say fuck Biden for what he did to the economy.

Even if it’s years into this shit

Ok let’s not kid ourselves, they don’t give a fuck.

While the stupid people who hopped on the trump train *did* genuinely want cheap prices in place of civil rights, a lot of them also wanted to either *own the libs* or put in the guy they thought would do what they think could make America *white* and *traditional* again, why do you think their repealing DEI or cracking down on the lgbt community.

Now those same hateful people are also ignorant of the fact they will know, just like us in the future, what true poverty is, but they won’t care cause “hey, we can finally take white America back”.

We need to genuinely call them out on their true nature and not just stop at economics, we need to show their bare ass to the world so everyone knows the parasite they are to *any country* not just this us. But hey I’m just the average US citizen, seeing America become the worlds laughing stock for the sheer stupidity of repeating the same mistake we did back in 2016; allowing a sexist racist, child rapist, and [yes I do mean that](https://www.girardslaw.com/library/Binder21.pdf) into the highest position.

I’m fucking done, it’s no longer fuck around and find out, it’s squashing these MAGAts and ostracizing them out of American society plain and simple.

They find it hard to understand because they’re functionally illiterate with absolutely no critical thinking skills. They just follow blindly.

They understand, but it’s okay as long as they own the libs.  

It’s funny how we’re now getting spammed about his tariff plan after the election.

Pretty sure all the noise about his tariffs is a concentrated effort by corporations to pressure him into not implementing the tariffs.

They were silent on it before because they wanted him to win for the tax cuts and deregulation, and now that he won they’re flooding the news and social media to try to reign him in on tariffs.

All these people trying to tell Trumpists that the tariffs will only backfire just reminds me of this quote: “It’s hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it’s damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person.”

So glad I have an EV

That’s the price of owning the libs? 😂

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