An old coworkers gave over two months notice. He had a critical job and did A LOT for his boss and had a very long planned 3 week international vacation during that time but would be back for an entire month after. He wanted to prep his boss as much as possible and he said he’d take his laptop on vacation to help with any emergencies or questions during that time.
HR told him he could no longer use his vacation time and if he took any time off it would be unpaid. He changed his notice to two weeks and dis the bare minimum during that time instead.
27 days ago
They’re laying you off and are upset that you’re not accommodating the company as well as they’d like? Lmao fuck them, best of luck to you in your new position.
27 days ago
My old co worker gave a months notice as a dept director. They fired him on the spot.
He’d been with them since he left the military and started as an intern. Over twenty years, in total.
They won’t give you two weeks you shouldn’t have to either.
27 days ago
They’re already laying you off why do they even care 
27 days ago
I did this once. I had accepted a promotion within my company, but they did not give me the tools to succeed. Eventually, I kinda gave up and did the bare minimum after being accused of lying about a job that was accidentally undone by someone else.
So I got called in and was told that I had two weeks to prove my worth while they looked for someone to replace me. And I was not to ask about my status at all during it. So I worked my ass off while looking for another job. I got a job offer and before I accepted it, I decided to ask about my job status after 3 weeks. I was told that I was not ask about it and no decision had been made. I told them that’s fine, I’ve accepted a new job and Friday would be my last day (it was Wednesday)
Their reaction was: but we have no one to do that job. What will we do.
27 days ago
Leave them on read and don’t reply back. Good riddance
27 days ago
What a ballsy response by your employer, especially when they’re making your position obsolete
27 days ago
I’ve never received a 2 week notice when I got laid off
27 days ago
“What severance are you offering if I stay?” This will stop the discussion.
27 days ago
Welcome to AWA. At-Will America. “We can fire you whenever we want, but will throw a tantrum if you do the same to us.”
Fuck them. We need legislation taking power away from companies. Will never have it, but we need it.
27 days ago
Normally I’m an advocate for not burning bridges. My industry is a small one, (even though it’s huge) and you never know who you will run into again down the line. BUT, if they have already given you notice that you are essentially fired, it’s free game! Fuck that noise.
27 days ago
I gave a month notice to an employer HR department and requested two weeks vacation as part of my 4 years working for the company that I earned. They said it was fine. I didn’t get it in writing. I found out while on my vacation that they were not paying me. They fucked me out of $3000. I was pissed. Never tell the company your plans to leave until you’ve gotten everything out of them you earned. That was over 2 years ago and it still pisses me off.
27 days ago
Use the suggested auto reply lol.
“Yes, that is correct.”
27 days ago
Haha, they want loyalty/courtesy after letting you know you’re being laid off? You’re nice for providing any notice. You’ve secured a job. It’s not like you need them to recommend you or anything. Congratulations on the new position!
27 days ago
Reads image.
“Hmmm…. That doesn’t seem so unreasonable to at least ask.
Reads post text.

27 days ago
27 days ago
Yeah the “two weeks notice” shit is over, companies don’t respect your time or position so show them the same. When the company I am at did layoffs last year they said they were in the process of figuring out who will be going and then one day 3 weeks later just blindsided people. They could have given people time to figure things out, even a couple weeks notice, but NOPE. So later in the year when people just up and quit with no notice or 2 days notice they sent a huge email talking about the importance of “giving notice”. People in my department flamed on of the directors that repeated that message by saying “You didn’t give anyone laid office notice, that is a two way street.”
27 days ago
I gave my company 6 weeks notice. They didn’t even post the open position until after I left.
I left because we were always understaffed. So, don’t know why I expected any different.
27 days ago
“Whaaat? YOU can’t break up with me.. I’m breaking up with YOU!” 😭
27 days ago
They don’t like it when at will employment doesn’t benefit them.
27 days ago
Loved when I dropped off my uniforms (security) 3 hours before my shift. Just finished orientation for new job and decided this was a good time to quit. Itll be 10 years in June and still at same job.
Fuck em.
27 days ago
I gave my job a 30 minute notice, I have no regrets. If they can fire you on the spot, you can quit on the spot.
27 days ago
I gave a 2-month notice. The next day, they started to micromanage me even though I was getting everything done with less than half my team. They were just pieces of shits. Next Sunday, I turned my shit into security and peaced out. I’m on good terms with my direct ex-manager and teammates. I’m willing to work my ass off. Just don’t take advantage of me – pretty straightforward.
27 days ago
2 weeks notice is dead.
However I’ll bring giving like… A month’s notice for my boss since it’s a nonprofit and the guy is pretty chill.
27 days ago
So you have a firm out date anyway, and this person is upset you’re not giving them a full two weeks?
They didn’t exactly inspire loyalty when they laid you off, so maybe this supervisor needs to be made clear of that fact.
27 days ago
Even if you give them two weeks more likely than not they will terminate you immediately and pay out any pto or none at all. Its the previous employers fiduciary responsibility to do this because with no notice or little notice if your new offer fell through before you start and give notice and it can with at will because if it does and the old company finds out and does not take you back and fires you this old company you have been working for is liable for your unemployment. Instead with 2 weeks notice if they terminate you and job offer falls through they have your notice saying you quit first so they are off the hook for unemployment. If your job falls through your new employer now is required to cover unemployment and because you have no tenure they wont need to either. Giving notice just passed the liability of unemployment to you and since its all at will it takes all your protections away from yourself which is your legal state and federal right especially as an at will employee. Yeah they want those two weeks to protect their ass. Not because of respect.
27 days ago
lol, fuck em. 2 weeks notice is a courtesy that companies often don’t bother giving people they lay off or fire. Same with training your replacement. Let them deal with their actions.
27 days ago
I’m so sorry… my loyalty has diminished each time the company I thought in enough to work at was sold twice and then my position was eliminated. I am firing you. Sincerely…
27 days ago
My company just went through it’s third layoff in three years. As they “right size” once again, they walked people out the door that day.
We’re not family, the business will continue to function without you whether you leave today or in two weeks. Don’t give them a benefit they won’t give you.
27 days ago
I’m happy for you, but is there a reason why your new employer wasn’t able to give you two weeks?
Not sympathizing with your old employer. I don’t feel bad for them, especially given what you’ve explained. I just want to be sure you are going to a place that will be respectful of your time and has reasonable expectations for you.
A company that demands you start immediately upon hiring you, will probably also saddle you with unpaid overtime assignments and responsibilities that aren’t a part of your job description.
27 days ago
I was working two jobs, but after just three weeks at the second one, I realized it was starting to affect my performance at my primary job; the one that provides my main income. I decided the second job wasn’t the right fit and offered to finish the two weeks I was already scheduled for.
My new boss, however, had zero empathy for how this impacted my primary employment. He was frustrated (albeit justifiable and understood) and upset, but made a point to remind me, quite pointedly, about their NDA; despite the fact that all their software is industry standard and publicly available.
There’s a lot more to the story, so AMA if you’re interested. But honestly, I feel like I dodged a bullet with them!
27 days ago
I work for a medium sized home builder, and anyone that says they’re leaving basically gets shown the door immediately as if they were terminated. My company doesn’t want the short timers syndrome to cause issues, so they just get cut loose.
The exception to this is the few truly “irreplaceable “ people that brainstorm a pathway through their departure over several months, basically the people that do the work of many and would be a devastating blow to lose. Pretty rare.
26 days ago
I’ve always given as much notice as I could when I knww I was leaving. I’ve only ever had one manager try to cut my hours in response, but then his boss got after him because of my quality of work and I was back up to full right away. I also got plenty of letters of recommendation for me written by former employers.
That being said, if you’re laid off, or if you’re being paid far less than the dead weight you’re carrying in your department and you are being refused a raise when you ask, you have zero reason not to bail. You out it to yourself and any dependents that you may have to better your career where your can.
If someone invests money in training me or covering my school, I give them a bit more loyalty than I would otherwise, of course, but still, if they aren’t providing opportunities and expect me to be happy while unappreciated, I’ve got no reason to stay.
The antiwork crowd and the crowd that worships all authority in the workplace both fail to grasp the concept as a whole. Jumping off of a perfectly functional ship in the open ocean stupid, as is clinging to one as it goes down, but bailing on a sinking ship is basic survival.
27 days ago
I’ve had this happen to me before. I was let go and given about a month’s notice, which in all honesty was good because it gave me a little bit of time to hunt for another position. Which I did end up finding so I quit a week earlier than what they had originally planned, but that also meant they were upset because I was leaving a week earlier than they expected. But like…they were already letting me go??? So why bother??
27 days ago
“Ah well what are you gonna do, fire me?”
27 days ago
The audacity 😭
27 days ago
I got let go from a contract job (supposed to be 6 months, turned out to be 3) and my 2nd-to-last day I l logged out 45 minutes early to get sushi. The team complained the next day about how busy it was but didn’t actually accuse me of anything, nor did they tell me why I was being let go. So…it is time for malicious compliance, is what I’m getting at.
27 days ago
To hell with ‘em. If you died yesterday, they’d have posted an opening to fill your shoes. Capitalism isn’t our fault. Every man for themselves, it’s just business, nothing personal.
27 days ago
I’m confused. Wouldn’t they actually benefit from you leaving early? That’s less money they have to pay you.
27 days ago
Pfffft. The 17th is generous, it’s not like they will be replacing you.
27 days ago
“I’m unable to comply with your request to extend my time here. Thank you for the opportunity and growth these last few years.”
An old coworkers gave over two months notice. He had a critical job and did A LOT for his boss and had a very long planned 3 week international vacation during that time but would be back for an entire month after. He wanted to prep his boss as much as possible and he said he’d take his laptop on vacation to help with any emergencies or questions during that time.
HR told him he could no longer use his vacation time and if he took any time off it would be unpaid. He changed his notice to two weeks and dis the bare minimum during that time instead.
They’re laying you off and are upset that you’re not accommodating the company as well as they’d like? Lmao fuck them, best of luck to you in your new position.
My old co worker gave a months notice as a dept director. They fired him on the spot.
He’d been with them since he left the military and started as an intern. Over twenty years, in total.
They won’t give you two weeks you shouldn’t have to either.
They’re already laying you off why do they even care 
I did this once. I had accepted a promotion within my company, but they did not give me the tools to succeed. Eventually, I kinda gave up and did the bare minimum after being accused of lying about a job that was accidentally undone by someone else.
So I got called in and was told that I had two weeks to prove my worth while they looked for someone to replace me. And I was not to ask about my status at all during it. So I worked my ass off while looking for another job. I got a job offer and before I accepted it, I decided to ask about my job status after 3 weeks. I was told that I was not ask about it and no decision had been made. I told them that’s fine, I’ve accepted a new job and Friday would be my last day (it was Wednesday)
Their reaction was: but we have no one to do that job. What will we do.
Leave them on read and don’t reply back. Good riddance
What a ballsy response by your employer, especially when they’re making your position obsolete
I’ve never received a 2 week notice when I got laid off
“What severance are you offering if I stay?” This will stop the discussion.
Welcome to AWA. At-Will America. “We can fire you whenever we want, but will throw a tantrum if you do the same to us.”
Fuck them. We need legislation taking power away from companies. Will never have it, but we need it.
Normally I’m an advocate for not burning bridges. My industry is a small one, (even though it’s huge) and you never know who you will run into again down the line. BUT, if they have already given you notice that you are essentially fired, it’s free game! Fuck that noise.
I gave a month notice to an employer HR department and requested two weeks vacation as part of my 4 years working for the company that I earned. They said it was fine. I didn’t get it in writing. I found out while on my vacation that they were not paying me. They fucked me out of $3000. I was pissed. Never tell the company your plans to leave until you’ve gotten everything out of them you earned. That was over 2 years ago and it still pisses me off.
Use the suggested auto reply lol.
“Yes, that is correct.”
Haha, they want loyalty/courtesy after letting you know you’re being laid off? You’re nice for providing any notice. You’ve secured a job. It’s not like you need them to recommend you or anything. Congratulations on the new position!
Reads image.
“Hmmm…. That doesn’t seem so unreasonable to at least ask.
Reads post text.

Yeah the “two weeks notice” shit is over, companies don’t respect your time or position so show them the same. When the company I am at did layoffs last year they said they were in the process of figuring out who will be going and then one day 3 weeks later just blindsided people. They could have given people time to figure things out, even a couple weeks notice, but NOPE. So later in the year when people just up and quit with no notice or 2 days notice they sent a huge email talking about the importance of “giving notice”. People in my department flamed on of the directors that repeated that message by saying “You didn’t give anyone laid office notice, that is a two way street.”
I gave my company 6 weeks notice. They didn’t even post the open position until after I left.
I left because we were always understaffed. So, don’t know why I expected any different.
“Whaaat? YOU can’t break up with me.. I’m breaking up with YOU!” 😭
They don’t like it when at will employment doesn’t benefit them.
Loved when I dropped off my uniforms (security) 3 hours before my shift. Just finished orientation for new job and decided this was a good time to quit. Itll be 10 years in June and still at same job.
Fuck em.
I gave my job a 30 minute notice, I have no regrets. If they can fire you on the spot, you can quit on the spot.
I gave a 2-month notice. The next day, they started to micromanage me even though I was getting everything done with less than half my team. They were just pieces of shits. Next Sunday, I turned my shit into security and peaced out. I’m on good terms with my direct ex-manager and teammates. I’m willing to work my ass off. Just don’t take advantage of me – pretty straightforward.
2 weeks notice is dead.
However I’ll bring giving like… A month’s notice for my boss since it’s a nonprofit and the guy is pretty chill.
So you have a firm out date anyway, and this person is upset you’re not giving them a full two weeks?
They didn’t exactly inspire loyalty when they laid you off, so maybe this supervisor needs to be made clear of that fact.
Even if you give them two weeks more likely than not they will terminate you immediately and pay out any pto or none at all. Its the previous employers fiduciary responsibility to do this because with no notice or little notice if your new offer fell through before you start and give notice and it can with at will because if it does and the old company finds out and does not take you back and fires you this old company you have been working for is liable for your unemployment. Instead with 2 weeks notice if they terminate you and job offer falls through they have your notice saying you quit first so they are off the hook for unemployment. If your job falls through your new employer now is required to cover unemployment and because you have no tenure they wont need to either. Giving notice just passed the liability of unemployment to you and since its all at will it takes all your protections away from yourself which is your legal state and federal right especially as an at will employee. Yeah they want those two weeks to protect their ass. Not because of respect.
lol, fuck em. 2 weeks notice is a courtesy that companies often don’t bother giving people they lay off or fire. Same with training your replacement. Let them deal with their actions.
I’m so sorry… my loyalty has diminished each time the company I thought in enough to work at was sold twice and then my position was eliminated. I am firing you. Sincerely…
My company just went through it’s third layoff in three years. As they “right size” once again, they walked people out the door that day.
We’re not family, the business will continue to function without you whether you leave today or in two weeks. Don’t give them a benefit they won’t give you.
I’m happy for you, but is there a reason why your new employer wasn’t able to give you two weeks?
Not sympathizing with your old employer. I don’t feel bad for them, especially given what you’ve explained. I just want to be sure you are going to a place that will be respectful of your time and has reasonable expectations for you.
A company that demands you start immediately upon hiring you, will probably also saddle you with unpaid overtime assignments and responsibilities that aren’t a part of your job description.
I was working two jobs, but after just three weeks at the second one, I realized it was starting to affect my performance at my primary job; the one that provides my main income. I decided the second job wasn’t the right fit and offered to finish the two weeks I was already scheduled for.
My new boss, however, had zero empathy for how this impacted my primary employment. He was frustrated (albeit justifiable and understood) and upset, but made a point to remind me, quite pointedly, about their NDA; despite the fact that all their software is industry standard and publicly available.
There’s a lot more to the story, so AMA if you’re interested. But honestly, I feel like I dodged a bullet with them!
I work for a medium sized home builder, and anyone that says they’re leaving basically gets shown the door immediately as if they were terminated. My company doesn’t want the short timers syndrome to cause issues, so they just get cut loose.
The exception to this is the few truly “irreplaceable “ people that brainstorm a pathway through their departure over several months, basically the people that do the work of many and would be a devastating blow to lose. Pretty rare.
I’ve always given as much notice as I could when I knww I was leaving. I’ve only ever had one manager try to cut my hours in response, but then his boss got after him because of my quality of work and I was back up to full right away. I also got plenty of letters of recommendation for me written by former employers.
That being said, if you’re laid off, or if you’re being paid far less than the dead weight you’re carrying in your department and you are being refused a raise when you ask, you have zero reason not to bail. You out it to yourself and any dependents that you may have to better your career where your can.
If someone invests money in training me or covering my school, I give them a bit more loyalty than I would otherwise, of course, but still, if they aren’t providing opportunities and expect me to be happy while unappreciated, I’ve got no reason to stay.
The antiwork crowd and the crowd that worships all authority in the workplace both fail to grasp the concept as a whole. Jumping off of a perfectly functional ship in the open ocean stupid, as is clinging to one as it goes down, but bailing on a sinking ship is basic survival.
I’ve had this happen to me before. I was let go and given about a month’s notice, which in all honesty was good because it gave me a little bit of time to hunt for another position. Which I did end up finding so I quit a week earlier than what they had originally planned, but that also meant they were upset because I was leaving a week earlier than they expected. But like…they were already letting me go??? So why bother??
“Ah well what are you gonna do, fire me?”
The audacity 😭
I got let go from a contract job (supposed to be 6 months, turned out to be 3) and my 2nd-to-last day I l logged out 45 minutes early to get sushi. The team complained the next day about how busy it was but didn’t actually accuse me of anything, nor did they tell me why I was being let go. So…it is time for malicious compliance, is what I’m getting at.
To hell with ‘em. If you died yesterday, they’d have posted an opening to fill your shoes. Capitalism isn’t our fault. Every man for themselves, it’s just business, nothing personal.
I’m confused. Wouldn’t they actually benefit from you leaving early? That’s less money they have to pay you.
Pfffft. The 17th is generous, it’s not like they will be replacing you.
“I’m unable to comply with your request to extend my time here. Thank you for the opportunity and growth these last few years.”