Why do Americans worship their founding fathers like gods?

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The founding fathers also wanted the Constitution to be rewritten every few decades and explicitly did not consider the US a Christian nation. So uh…

The “founders” disagreed about everything and made compromises. Republicans latch onto whichever side suits their current needs and act like it was a unanimous decision 250 years ago.

The founders also never expected a felon and sexual abuser to be elected as president ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

So do 37 states.

Americans do not worship their founders like gods. Most founders would be appalled by what many Americans are today. They use the founders as a flimsy bullshit excuse to justify their own awfulness. Kind of like how they claim to worship Jesus but if Jesus himself did appear in person today, they would call him a liar then send him to gitmo for being a dirty hippy socialist poor brown illegal immigrant from middle east.

This deification of the founding fathers like they’re some sort of Godlike infallible human beings needs to stop

Mount Rushmore is actually a sacred place for the Indigenous people of that area. But carvings of colonizers are there now.

They’re held up as an ideal. Most of us just respect them. The insane right adds them to their pantheon of people and things they like to misquote to justify their beliefs (alongside the Bible), and therefore holds them up as one of their golden calfs.ย 

#daddy issues

Imagine putting men on a pedestal who though owning slaves was a fine thing to do

Everything Americans believe about how North Koreans view their leaders is true about Americans.

I mean my god we have a โ€œrideโ€ at Disney World where robots of our presidents all say a little quote. I paid money and waited in line to see that. People worship these men like gods, or at least like Catholic saints. The constitution is viewed like a holy scripture. Weโ€™re an insane country.

(I donโ€™t hate America, I just wish we could collectively stop guzzling propaganda and work towards making a better, more chill, country)

We were all raised with the storied history of American will and might. America was founded on democratic virtues at a time of kings and tyrants.

The fucking irony of that.

The lore of the revolutionary war is taught to children as if it were some mythological battle of the gods seeking our freedom. I mean- what they did was incredible, but I think a lot of Americans over rely on the “glory” of those days to justify awful shit we have done, and still are doing today. We still colonized ourselves into a despotic,ย imperialistic position on the world stage. I think a lot of us are overly commited to only seeing ourselves as “the good guys”, but if we were to be real about it- and actually listen to the voices of those who disagree- it would be clear that we, as a country- have a lot of skeletons in our closet. I worry that we are so invested on this track we are going down that an attitude reversal might be too late…

The founding fathers 100% intended for blacks to vote. 9 of the 13 colonies made slavery illegal before the founding. We’re pursuing a more perfect union.

Because, as an American, most Americans are idiots.

Seriously, the “Founding Fathers” were just rich, slave-owning white dudes. They formed a constitution that started a country.

That’s literally it. Do we worship Sam Walton for starting Walmart? No. Why are these guys different? They were fallible just like anyone else today.

Most of us don’t. It’s the same subsect of the population that worships the orange one. We can respect the founders for their vision, while acknowledging their many flaws at the same time. The magat’s though think any criticism of their heroes is akin to criticism of themselves, so they get offended.ย 

the founding fathers intended for the constitution, rules, and laws to change overtime to meet the needs of the country, so the founding fathers did intend for DC to become a state, if it becomes a state

Nor did they intend for women to vote or hold office or have control over their own bodies..wait, well, shit…okay.

Pretty untrue, a third of the founders were quakers

They worship an abstract image of the Founding Fathers that never existed.

Itโ€™s projection, but not in the sense it is most often used nowadays. You have a deified group who can do no wrong but also canโ€™t speak for themselves, so you say whatever you want is what they would have wanted. Itโ€™s like religion: โ€œGod hates homosexualityโ€ no, YOU hate homosexuality and God just has more clout than you. You project your own morality onto a mute but infallible authority

The GOP only worships the founders when it provides an excuse to deny rights to someone they don’t like.

It’s like the Bible.

Only the parts that they like.

They donโ€™t actually give a fuck about what the founding fathers intended for the future of the country. They just use it occasionally to support their own positions when itโ€™s convenient, and then completely disregard it when itโ€™s not convenient.

Because like Gods, they are whatever someone wants them to be.

People need gods, or at least things that stand in for gods. It allows them to offload the responsibility of *knowing* onto an external source, as well as the responsibility to hold correct opinions or make correct choices. During the enlightenment, this role fell to the founders and the philosophers who inspired them. Currently, we assign this role to brands and influencers of one kind or another.

None of us are truly immune to this inherent drive.

Because, like religion, any semblance of real people has been lost to time and they have taken on mythical stature – and myths have been promulgated throughout history as propaganda to those too ignorant and stupid to do any better.

And the rest of us have yet to understand this to a point where we say no more.

The founders never intended for Texas, Arizona, Hawaii, Alaska and California to become part of the United States, let alone states. They also never intended for the GOP to split Dakota in half in order to gain 2 extra senate seats.

I think itโ€™s funny because we do the whole โ€œour founding fathers never intended this that and the otherโ€ routine when the whole point of the constitution was to have a government that would last a long time. Why do you think that certain laws have been grandfathered out of penal code? They are so obsoleted that it is impossible for one to have it readily enforced. Also, Jefferson literally writes the DOI in plain terms so that future generations may interpret what he is saying. They didnโ€™t want us to depend on their exact interpretation of the world at the time in order to create a healthy society, they wanted us to interpret what they said in a broader, modern context in order to help us achieve the society that all people dream of- a society where anybody can do what they want in life (not criminal acts however).

That was good

founders also never intended for women to vote, but here we are thriving despite them ๐Ÿ’…

I would quite say they worship the founders it just more they exist as a symbol they can apply their desires and bigotry to in an attempt to add further credibility to their stance.

The founders would have also freaked out over what firearms have become, cars and internet. Jefferson wanted the constitution to be rewritten periodically if I can remember right it was around every 20 years.

That might be because it didnโ€™t exist yet.

Biggest mistake the founders made was trying to copy the British Parliament, thus creating the Senate. New York City has more people than 38 combined states but NY only has two senators to go up against the 76 others. The Senate has way too much power in the hands of way too few people with way too many special interest groups trying to to buy their favor.

# Why do Americans worship their founding fathers like gods?

I don’t. And I frequently make fun of those that do.

The founders never intended for the USA to become a shithole

People need to wise up to the fact that America is a religion, and the Founding Fathers are its prophets.

Is it a clever comeback if the person you are responding to also doesn’t believe in the right to vote for most people?

They are talking about silencing women by doing per-household voting, and then also, have been systematically eliminating voting rights in minority populations through urban vote center elimination, disparities in charging and sentencing minorities with felonies, etc.

because weโ€™re insecure about our own contributions good or bad to our own existence

The founders intended separation between church and state….

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