Why do people do this?

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I bought it with my first paycheck 14 years ago. Not sure why, but I did it!

The rare breed who pays for YouTube Premium just to avoid the double ads over using an adblocker

Hey, its one of the few programs that understands its userbase

We must protect it at all costs

And If that means buying the license even tho we dont have to

Well that’s a small price to pay

I have a friend who is very strict and moral and considers using a paid app for free fraud, but at the same time counts every penny he earns. Wonder what would be his take on this

Winrar even tweets about you if you buy their license

People who buy Winrar automatically reserve a spot for themselves in heaven. The Winrar crew’s been ziping and raring our files for 20+ years FOR FREE. Those guys deserve some love.

Don’t you have compassion with programmers who need to feed their families?

On Corporate Level you MUST buy winrar License to use it.Thats how theyre alive.

Tbh I’ve never found a single person that purchases winrar. It’s easily found for free

WinRar deserves it.
They was always nice to me, when i was broke as fuck.
The time i can pay for myself, its time to say thank you and buy it. At least once. ^^’

The winrar license is there so that enterprises that plan on using it in large scales need to buy the license to legally use it while singular consumers (normal people) do not.

I’ve heard of one speedrunner who bought it bc he needed to open Winrar for his speedruns and not having that “buy license” popup be there saves him like 0.001 seconds


I don’t know anybody who own’s a winrar license

Winrar doesn’t deny you service if you don’t pay. Very nice company. Actually decent reason to pay.

Bought WinRAR over a decade ago, since it is a useful software and worth supporting them.

there’s reddit premium??

does winrar even do anything different to 7zip

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