Why do people think

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“I’ve known Jeff [Epstein] for 15 years. Terrific guy, He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”

Last time trump was surrounded by that many underage girls he was on Jeffrey Epstein’s island.

Did they forget the token Black child?

As Pink Floyd would say, “leave those kids alone”.

They seem to all be white, too.

Based on his post, sounds like prime targets for The Dirty Olive and his orange god.

Poster doesn’t know the difference

He must have felt like he was back in the Miss Teen America dressing room.

Well Epstein’s island is no more so he has to figure out a way to be surrounded by kids.

Yes, he’s a child rapist. True.

Certified President? Certified pedophile

Freudian slip like a mfer

Oh it’s OK when they KNOW the predator. Wait til they find out he wears more makeup than drag queens ever will.

lmao trump is missing the jeff epstein days

People don’t think.

That’s why a lying crying racist rapist is sitting in the Oval Office.

What are you trying to imply about Jeffrey Epstein’s best friend? It is totally safe to leave your kids alone in a room with John Doe 174.

I’m not wholly convinced these people think at all, and if they try there is probably visible smoke

You know that if a couple things went differently, Epstein would have been at his inauguration

And he’s been accused of fucking children . Shocking, I know…

What’s completely bananas about this picture is that none of those children understand why they’re there or what he’s signing. Talk about indoctrination 🙄

Funny how the right wing lost their shit over Biden near kids but this is conveniently okay…

All he knows how to do with women and girls is use them. He’s not saving these girls from rape or rampant misogyny or forced birth. They are just props for his culture war against trans people.

Hey fbi! We got another 1 to look at

I feel like I’m playing a messed up version of “wheres waldo” trying to find a person of color in the picture

Did he personally check that they were all female?

Well we know trump love the kids literally

Maybe that’s what he meant when he said , “ if Ivanka wasn’t his daughter, he’d be dating her “?

They know.

And it is precisely the reason you think that they’re referring to these underage girls as “ladies”.

Well, he did spend a lot of time with his late buddy Jeff.

What executive order is he signing that needs so many kids? One starting up a program that gives kids the “opportunity” to work for soulless corporations in exchange for being allowed food?

He likes them young. Just ask him about Miss Teen USA

Ima Epstien Island Boy!

Epstein would be proud

*cough* grooming *cough*

Gather round the convicted rapist! Make sure his tiny hands are on the table at all times.

“Those are literal children”

….. not to MAGA

Remember the shit they were saying about Greta

GOPedos don’t care about that. They never did.

Children next to a convicted rapist

So, what’s new? He hung out with Epstein, walked in on teenage contestants in his beauty pageant. There have to be dozens of women afraid to open their mouths about him being a creep.

And then, there’s the Carroll thing where a jury found him guilty of rape.

This American culture of shoving a bunch of children who couldn’t care less behind the president for photo ops when he signs bills is one of the weirdest things

Trump was given children procured by Epstein.

He was in pedophile heaven.

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