Why do people think the problem is the left

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Only 75 years of socialism permanently destroyed Russia and sent millions into starvation or enslavement camps. Also, how the fuck did socialism invent democracy? Did this guy suck on batteries during his high school history lessons?

EDIT: socialism apologists incoming. I bet none of you college grads have actually ever spoken with someone who lived through the USSR.

“John Steinbeck once said that socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.”

A huge swath of Americans who will never break 6 figures fighting tooth and nail for the 1%.

Socialist Activism in the past 100 years gave us democracy…. LOL

The ancient Greeks would like to have a word with you.

Fuck on off back to rpolitics

Open a history book.

Ahh yes, revisionist history aimed towards captured ideologs for confirmation bias.

Social activism is part of capitalism! Social activism doesn’t equal Socialism! Omfg

Why do people blame the left?  Because the billionaires that own the media tell them to 

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It’s easy to compare socialism with capitalism when you cherry pick the worst of capitalism and the best of socialism.

100 years of socialist activism gave us democracy? so you’re starting in the year 550BC?

Capitalism gave us creativity and prosperity to more people than socialism did. Capitalism gave us development and cool technology. Socialism gave us poverty in Cuba, Roketa watches and Lada cars and political prisons.

The stupid hurts.

Inequality, debt slaves, imperialism and ecological crises have all existed throughout history.

Climate catastrophes happened in the USSR and China aka not capitalist.

[Democratic assemblies are as old as the human species and are found throughout human history](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy)

If you want to advocate for left-wing ideas it’s fine but the points should be backed up in reality, nothing in this post is.

People in the comments section here mistaking socialist activism for full blown socialism.

Guess you want to get rid of public schools, fire service, roads etc.

The balance between the left and the right has lead to greatness.
The left getting out of control gave us genocide after genocide

The problem is cronyism.

Capitalism gave us inequality? The very first line reveals deep stupidity. Inequality of what? There was never inequality of X before capitalism? Name X.

Curious what country they’re talking about

I never understood people who complain about capitalism nonstop on their iPhone while using a for-profit company ( reddit) who hosts its website on Amazon.

The claim in this post is highly incorrect (I can say that from experience being born in “socialist” country).

Try to imagine the world before that

Humanity is experiencing the least amount of hunger and starvation…. In the history of the species. And that’s thanks in part to capitalism.

We have longer life spans, diseases thought incurable 20 and 50 and 100 years ago are curable, better life spans than ever.

Capitalism has open markets to places on the globe where it never would have occurred thanks to capitalism.

Comfort and quality of life now than ever. The poorest capitalist country has its poor people living at a better standard of life than any King 300+ years ago.

I’m politically left-leaning, but this post is tendentious shitposting. Free-market fundamentalists do that even more. It’s abhorrent no matter what the source.

You say untruths about capitalism as proof why people should agree with the left. You need to reevaluate why you think that capitalism causes the things that you say it does.

Survivor of DDR (GRD) here. Was thee at the fall of the wall, and I can guarantee any disadvantages of capitalism (and of course they exist as no system is perfect) are worth it. Socialism propagates misery, poverty, and hunger, and it is fueled by envy and hatred.

Because thats the narrative being pushed by the people that own the media

I would say primarily being incompetent at governing is the issue with the left. They dont hold people accountable for crimes….

Focus on the best parts of one and the worst parts of the other, sure, tale as old as time.

The latter half of the post all happened in capitalist countries, cope and seethe commies

Could you also include global poverty and hungry dropping to nearly nothing

I love the fact that every time somebody mentions countries with heavy socialist policies the comment section is full with “tHOse ARe stILL caPiTALIst coUNTRies”.
But if somebody suggests implementing those policies in the US, the comments are “thATS lITEraL COMMUNISM!”.
Schrödingers Conservatives.

This is ridiculous. Capitalism has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty. Do we need to fix it? Absolutely. Do we want to throw it out? That would be a great mistake.

100 years of socialism…the USSR, China, North Korea, Venezuela.

Tens of millions of dead. Unprecedented human rights abuses. Usurpation of freedoms. Gamines. Mass starvation. Mass migration.

This couldn’t be a more retarded post if it tried.

Everything is way more complicated than you think. Both extremes are bad.

Capitalism also lead to the greatest increase in living standards and wealth ever in human history, ended slavery in Europe for the most part and it responsibly for 90% of the world inventions,

It’s called a meritocracy.

Dude is griping about 400 years of capitalism no one tell him about the prior 1500 years of feudalism.

You know, I’m probably considered lower middle class, but this morning I blew through 19 megajouls of energy on a whim to drive to a store to buy coffee which was grown in the opposite side of the planet. I then came home to my modest sized house which is in property that I own and heated with gas that came from like 2 miles underground. I used cheap clean drinking water which is available on tap in a cast iron pot made in Pittsburgh to brew a cup of coffee. Then I used the bathroom which is not only in my heated house but is connected to a sewer line that wisked my waste away.

In short, as a lower middle class person “400 years of capitalism” which really is more like 250 years has me living better then 99.9% of every human that has ever lived prior to my time. I mean even the emperor’s of Rome crapped in a pot and European kings literally made war to capture access to stuff like coffee.

Owe, and I’m writing this in a pocket sized supercomputer that’s probably as powerful as the entire worlds computing power circa 1980.

400 years of capitalism also got us technological advancements and industry that raised the average quality of life and life expectancy worldwide.

Are we supposed to argue this false premise …”given that capitalism is pure evil and socialism is utopia …” AND dishonest assessment, really?!

The attributes assumed to both the free market economy and socialism are inaccurate here. Why are you for these bad things, that aren’t free market, when you could have these good things, that aren’t socialism.

I’m a leftie but I need to correct the record on that last bit.

The left tends to get extra credit because they make good changes, and conservatism gets hit because they were seen as resisting those changes. So the left is seen as somehow always being on “the right side of history”.

What we don’t see are the shitty leftist ideas that were prevented from ever happening because there was conservative opposition, or at least checks on the crazy ideas.

So you end up with a bunch of people saying crazy stuff and thinking history vindicates them and that opposing their level of crazy is unnecessary and evil.

We need checks. It’s just that the US is currently completely overrun by several competing versions of the right wing. So it has become the United States of Conspiracy Bible Karens.

lol what a horrible take .

They think we are socialist already. And communist. At the same time.

That’s probably the most retarded take ever. The advent of capitalism brought the greatest wealth in the history of mankind, what a coincidence that with its advent slavery was gradually abolished, women gained the right to vote and ABSOLUTE poverty is still declining.

And what a coincidence that socialism in China alone has been responsible for more deaths than capitalism worldwide from the 19th century to today.

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