Why does this seem painful for them?

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A good loaf of bread is a work of art. It takes great skill and care to do it well. For that loaf to be disemboweled and used as a vessel for soup is an insult and a waste of good bread.

Also, this is satire for the sake of comedy.

Click hole is a satire channel with clickbait titles and over dramatic responses to mundane things. 

People are giving weirdly serious answers.

Clickhole is a fake buzzfeed made by the website “the onion” and that is a joke article. This is not a real photo of people being sad, this is a premise for a joke.

Like losing a loaved one

Its like putting the Mona Lisa in a dude’s mancave. They baked a beautiful loaf of bread just to have it ruined by loading it with soup. 

it’s also ClickHole – which is satire

all these people here replying like they’re watching real people watching their bread babies to the slaughter

It’s like pouring all your energy and love in to a kid for half your life and then they grow up to be a furry.

Imagine you made something beautiful that took a lot of effort and someone literally ripped it apart in front of you

My wife is a chef…. I showed her this to get her input. She had the same reaction.

She said this, “I understand. They put time and effort to make beautiful loaves, only to have them sliced and their innards removed. All the time and effort down the drain.”

Because someone is literally tearing apart the thing they put time, effort, and care into.

You could say, they loath it!

Okay this one actually cracked me up a bit.

Clam chowder needs to be secured in wheat before it’s moved to the stomach

Bread bowls are the epitome of artisan bread.

I wished I cared about anything this much, besides my family


Ok so imagine if your baby was turned into a bowl…

It’s grotesque

My poor, beautiful loaf turned into a bowl for soup…

thought this was a scene from The Menu for a minute there

Who cares? They should be happy it’s being eaten at all.

Ha, pain


clickhole is owned by the onion and is basically a satirical clickbait news site (buzzfeed basically)

Tokens get spent; bread gets eaten.

It’s sad because soup isn’t real food.

I actually dare you to pour soup into a matzo bowl

Imagine birthing a child just for some Youtuber to scoop a hole out of them

I read loaves as “lovers” for a couple minutes. 

But I also love chili in a bread bowl so…

I think it’s satire on how chefs think they are modern artists when they just mix and cook a couple of basic ingredients that anyone can do. Cooking isn’t that hard

Is SEO PL still even a thing?

I’m not a baker, but I think part of the issue is that the outside is usually more or less the same. Getting the center airy is the skill. By making bread bowls (removing the center and just using the crust), they’re removing the best part.

It was explained to me once like this… if you’ve never seen the movie Ghost and specifically the clayworking scene, then you’ll never understand what it’s like for a baker to make dough! And it all made sense after that.

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No one gets mad about cream puffs

I real lovers not loaves the first time

Its very PAIN-ful for them

(Read it in French)

When they make a bread bowl, they throw away most of the bread, I think.

Spend years perfecting an art, do the art, watch someone destroy it, make same face.

Find an Imposter 🤡

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