Why GenZ men don’t approach women anymore? Don’t tell me they are afraid of girls saying ‘No'”. No, we’re afraid of getting roasted online in front of millions by the girl who said “no

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“The worst she can say is no”.

No, the best it can happen is that she only says “no” and nothing more happens.

Pro tip: just say whatever and move on if this is the reaction, just because *they* think this is cringe and a ton of *people online* think it’s cringe, doesn’t mean that *everyone* would laugh at this approach. Someone might think it’s cute.

Listen, giving notes like this is cute, but you have to overcome that fear of rejection if you want to get anywhere. Try having casual conversations, don’t just approach people like this and hope for a relationship by saying “You are really pretty please date me” on a note, its, most likely always going to be “no” with older adult individuals.

This implies that it’s common behavior for women to roast men that hit on them online. Again, not every single girl is going to be a bitch and go online to humiliate you. I usually politely declined. I talk about the man I’m seeing often enough in conversation that it usually weeds out unwanted advances.

Care less and your life will improve instantly.  

Edit:  Y’all are overthinking the fuck out of this, as if to illustrate my point.  

It’s written in stalker prose of course she’s gonna mock it

I also feel like we’re totally overlooking the context “my friend was the only girl at hackathon.” I’d probably already feel a little uncomfortable/unwelcome as the only woman in a space (hackathon at my college was huge so I’m imagining like 400+ people). Getting flirty notes wouldn’t help, I’d probably feel like I’m being watched.

Men don’t approach women with notes like this. This is high school stuff.

If he wanted to talk to her he should have tried to talk and tried to catch her vibe. If they hit it off then great if not then you move on.

That’s not likely to happen

Y’all are chronically online

She posted the note covering his phone number, which is LITERALLY the only thing that could have given his identity away.

It is not a crime to post something you think is cringe on the internet. People do It all of the time. The actual dude who gave the note will face 0 real life consequences because of the post. So whyyyyyyyy do yall care?

Well if you flirt like you’re in 4th grade by passing a note. Or 9th grade by saying “you’re really pretty”… You can expect most of the time a short rejection equal to the level of effort you put in

If you are able to use non-verbal cues to see if there is any interest, and strike up an interesting conversation then you can keep the other individual comfortable during the exchange and are more likely to have positive responses even if those responses are still rejection.

Tldr; maybe try to learn how women like to be approached.

I always see shit like this online and you bunch of incels whining over it, when it rarely happens in real life. Also she didn’t say who sent the note so I don’t see the problem with posting it

Why are people just glossing over how creepy this note is lol, I don’t think anyone would say yes to this approach

I would definitely feel uncomfortable/creeped out if I was the only girl at a hackathon and someone gave me this note. A hackathon is an academic and/or professional type of event, not a dating app. It’s already hard to be the only woman at events like this, and this would make the feeling of not belonging/being taken seriously even worse.

Giving a note to a woman as an adult, AS YOUR OPENER, is fucking weird, that guy was probably weird

Bro didn’t even have a convo with the girl

Girl wants to go to a convention and is the only one their and gets asked out. You’ve turned it into a whine about girls somehow

“Girls dont want to be approached at work, a grocery store or at an event, leave them alone”

(I guess they want to be like… approached when they’re in they’re alone at home or something?)

Reddit hates women so much it’s unreal lol

The problem is at a hackathon. I know that feeling, when you’re somewhere just for studies/work and someone randomly decides to hit on you. Its not the right place and you’re not in the right mood

Idk dude. Sounds like there was only one guy with a big enough pair to actually shoot his shot. They may be trying to make fun of him, but out of all the guys at this event, only one hit on the only girl there.

People need to stop being afraid of getting “roasted” by millions of losers online. The people roasting you aren’t gonna marry you, blow you, or be your companion. Only your significant other is gonna do that. Shoot your shot. Don’t be scared.

Why didn’t he just have a normal conversation with her and then ask for her number? Some of you mfs need to get off the internet and have real conversations with real people.

“I’m afraid of being made fun of” is so crazy to me. Like yeah some girls are assholes but like… the “worst case scenario” differences are ridiculous.

Also, the note is cute. The braid thing is a little odd, but still sweet.

The cringe isn’t the note, it’s the predictability of the event from someone that she probably gave no reason to think she was interested. Some dudes think they’re playing poker when no one even dealt them a hand. Not seeing how he’s being roasted when no one knows who he is.

Not every woman that crosses your path is a romantic interest just cause you think she’s cute.

Sometimes you get flamed, sometimes you don’t. Who really cares? You’re bound to record a hit if you consistently step up to the plate

Feels weird to complain about this given how women are treated online but alright. 193rts? 342 comments? That’s a roast to you?

Context is kinda missing like did this happen DURING the competition? Bc that’s a strange time to hit on someone that’s not there for that reason. She’s the only girl there I wonder how many advances didn’t leave a receipt. Girl just wants to hack.

The elimination of third spaces has totally fucked inter-gender socialization. Women are constantly barraged with unwanted advances in contexts where they’re just trying to do anything else and men feel as they have to shoot a shot bc they don’t know the next time they even see a woman that isn’t on a screen.

Just say “hey I like you” instead of “I like the braids on your back” people (not just girls) will make fun of anything that is cringe that is said to them

One woman on the Internet did this therefore all 4.5 billion women think the same…

Give me a break

Peak insecurity is coming from here. Some of you don’t need a girl. You need to feel secure with yourself.


bro if you can’t consider “hmmm does the one (1) woman at this event want to be reminded of the fact that she’s the only woman at an event full of men by receiving a weird romantic note like we’re in high school that implies somebody has been watching her the whole mf time, or would she perhaps prefer to be treated as another professional” then idk how to help you except to say get therapy. im not even kidding the issue that’s stopping you from being able to find a partner is your inability to consider what they’re thinking, to understand how it’s going to be different from what/how you think, etc.

google theory of mind

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Why didn’t he just speak to her instead of giving her a note like a 3rd grader?

That’s why he’s getting roasted.

To be fair though that is not the ideal way to approach someone lol, that note reads as kind of stalker-y

Why don’t women ever approach guys?

So she was the only girl at an event and a guy decided it was a good idea to let her know he’d been looking at her and give her a kinda creepy note…..Yeah great guy no idea why she’d post this

Who cares? It doesn’t have any identifying information on it. 

Well when you do corny shit like this, girls are gonna laugh behind your back

You need to talk to women to build your social skills which would also signal to you that an unwarranted note like this most likely wouldn’t work.

Also, who cares if people think you might be cringe or it’s embarrassing? Literally does not actively impact your life unless you succumb to your social anxiety, which should be the entire reason you put yourself out there in the first place.

For women, chemistry is really important. Or at least gauging if a guy is normalish and clean lol.

This note was a nice idea, but makes it impossible for her to know whether she would be interested in him or not. “I found you attractive and here’s my number” is pretty meaningless to her unfortunately. And it shows that he’s scared of talking to her. No signs of chemistry. Nothing to make her excited.

Oh no! She posted the note with zero identifying details! How will this poor victim move on with his life?

It’s baffling how most of the advice from people here is to just tell men to “Man up”.

It’s not like she tagged him or outed his identity? Sorry to invalidate but this is a silly thing to be afraid of if intentions were pure. This note seems kind and perhaps awkward but it is sweet. Some girls like that, some girls don’t. Your implication that this is worse than a rejection is so pathetic lol

“Why don’t gen z men approach women any more? Because they can’t get off the internet long enough to talk to real people.”

If you are using post like this to avoid talking to women, than you are just looking for an excuse. Ask yourself how many times does this happen in the real world. How many people in the real world do you know whose life was wreck because of something like this? I bet it’s zero

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