Why I never share my hobbies with the people around me

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Step 1: get good at drawing
Step 2: draw furry gay porn
Step 3: ???

you can have a hobby all you want, but dont rely on it and remember to balance it with your responsibilities, such as a real job. creative fields are very oversaturated and its a complete dice roll on if youll be able to make any money off it.

That’s why I dropped my guitar many years ago. Once I finally started to pick rock chords with somewhat success and enthusiasm my mom said “what, are you gonna play THIS”?!

Never could force myself to return to that…

Some people are so poor, all they have is money.

And then they have the audacity to say “I gave up my dreams to raise you”.like MF WE ARE LITERALLY BACK AT SQUARE ONE.

Hurry up and draw my next favorite anime please

parents be like get a hobby but what they really mean is join a team sport

I miss watching the regular show

I’m working on learning art to help me pay for my degrees (Bachelor of Science: Neuroscience with Honors) soon I’m entering the program for a graduate degree (Master of Science: Neuroscience) so I can get yet another damn degree (Medical Degree) – SO YES ART HELPS WITH YOUR CAREER

But think about it , that makes you suppress talking about your self so you become the person that people think are boring yet if you wanted to you have the ability to write the craziest shit possible, and that to me is a talent worth having

the problem is that… My hobby was Youtube and now they are expecting me to make money

short story: I did not do anything for an entire year bc i’m still rebranding and limited to my devices

This is me.

Your entourage..?

Anybody wanna buy some art?

May I interest you in our Lord and saviour Pathfinder 2e?

WTF are talking about, are you a child?

*Me crocheting*

My mom: “aRe yOu GuNnA sElL tHaT”

No Martha, I have a hobby to relax my overreactive brain. Please leave me to my work.

Having hobbies and interests is so cringe 💀

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