Why is it acceptable that we entrust all our children’s minds to teachers for the first decade and a half of their lives… but we still pay them so poorly?

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Education is the enemy of propaganda. People with political agendas want a stupid, gullible population who will believe what they’re told and vote however they want them to.

That’s why education is under attack; teachers, doctors, scientists, researchers and educational institutions are being undermined in the public eye by those who want a controllable population.

Conspiracy theories, misinformation, and fear-mongering run rampant among the uneducated as they become pawns of political propaganda and we must fight it every chance we can.

If the goal is to make the minds of the common folk as broken and useless as possible, it makes perfect sense.

Teacher here. I make 1/10 the median home price in my area. I will never own a home where I invested my life.

Truly Educated children (as opposed to ones bombarded with โ€œfun factsโ€ โ€œchallengesโ€ and โ€œget rich quick routinesโ€) tend to grow up to be free and independent-minded. They exercise critical thinking, follow logical facts, display compassions, and ask questions. They are more likely to strive for hopes and less prone to be swayed by fears. They respect the rules of laws but confront authorities.

They make terrible targets to gaslight and to control in masses.

I still enjoy the fools that try to defend teacher pay by saying “they only work 9 months a year.”

Ive been public school teacher i dont think I ever worked less than 50 hrs a week, and ive never heard of 3 month vacations. Teachers are in front of students x hrs a day, x days a year, but if the job stopped then I’d be all for the “time-off” criticism.

Hardest damn job you’ll ever love.

It’s bad when McDonalds pays higher than a job that requires a degree.

Any field that is or was considered feminine is still undervalued and still underpaid.

It’s one of the biggest reasons for the gender pay gap.

And it tasted fucking great

i have so many friends who are teachersโ€ฆi donโ€™t think most ppl know they spend A LOT of their own money on so many thingsโ€ฆ

I have always maintained (put on your tinfoil hats) that it’s to dumb down American children, to make dumb American adults that are much easier to lead by the nose than educated ones. The Soviets believed in education and look how well that turned out for them. The ruling class doesn’t want any rebels or anyone questioning anything, which is something educated people do.

Also as Karl Marx pointed out, religion is the opiate of the masses. Belief in a diety, goes down the more well educated a person is (it doesn’t go to zero, oddly) so educated people don’t have that religious opiate so they are far more likely to cause trouble. The last thing leadership wants are trouble makers.

Because learning boring, sports fun. Most people unfortunately never grow out of that phase.

You guys had ice?

Well it makes sense in a perverse way

If you’re rich, you go private so why pay taxes for something that does not benefit you but increases competition

Than you have the home schooled crowd (left and right) who don’t want to pay teachers when they can do it ‘better and right’ at home

Then you have the people who believe school is over rated anyway and prefer more money for sports cause their kid is the one exception who’ll join the nfl /nba/ whatever – regardless of reality

By the time you get to the people who actually care about their kids and education well it’s too late as they aren’t as politically vocal or strong

we honestly should pay them more. I mean as mean as it is to say, elementary and middle school teachers have to play babysitter in addition to all their duties for most of the year. I could never do that.

Teachers are underrated. If u had a teacher that positively enriched your life I honestly believe you should tell them.

Sometimes they remember a lot of their students

I ran into my French teacher years later and I got my first job from him.

My 5th grade teacher would give us a mini Snickers bar or pick a student prize (school supplies) each time we turned in our homework. Homework was given about twice a week.

Mr. Denver, I appreciate you for teaching us math and trying to encourage us to further our education. Now I know you paid out of pocket for the Snickers. I know Garfield school was one of the poorest schools in my town, it was located in a high crime neighborhood.

The entire class used to pitch in money for our pizza parties. Now that Iโ€™m older I realize pizza didnโ€™t cost that much.

And we still got those slices.

Because teachers are the token public servants, plus we get criminalized for having summers off, I really wonder what that’s like I work for free during summers as a teacher

They were just preparing for life. Do something good for the company… pizza party. Everybody working overtime… pizza party. Make me an extra million I will pay a total of $60 to buy everyone lunch 1 day.

In my school they asked a 2โ‚ฌ contribution to the whole class for the only pizza party we ever had.

Definitely criminal

You will find that at the center of most financial issues, the cause is usually rich people or greedy politicians hoarding all the money and power

I like this post and all, but how is this clever come backs?

So, even though private school teachers don’t get paid a lot more their kids get a private school education. Is extortion the right word?

Because nobody wants to pay more taxes so that teachers can be paid more.

You should come move to Canada, where our teachers make 6 figures and thereโ€™s little to no risk of being shot at during class.

thanks fo the heart condition teach

Your teachers pay almost everything out of pocket.

The income wouldn’t be bad for most teachers if they weren’t always having to spend their own money on their students. And they do it, all the time.

That’s why you never see full business-mentality folks in education.

Those that pay those that pay the the teachers do not want a nation of thinkers

In usa…..

So they can see what’s really in their future if they don’t cheat, exploit and lie, and they can see that kindness is not rewarded in today’s society. That’s the real lesson being taught.

Idk man. I just wouldnt do a pizza party at that point.

Yeeeees, I am generous with my classes, but the entitlement is off the charts at times! It’s ok when kids don’t get that we pay for all the extras out of pocket , but this is a (presumed) adult looking back at their school experiences and actually moaning about their free pizza slice not being large enough ….

Imo teachers should get paid 6 figures

Now all the BS selling candy fundraisers make so much sense. Some kids sold thousands of dollars worth of candy for the school. Those kids won serious prizes for it too. Ironically one prize was a 2 lb bar of Hersheyโ€™s chocolate.

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