Why is this so common

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Teacher: “Who broke the window?”

Class: *silence*

Teacher: “Great, everyone, let’s take the test.”

This is how the military is. I think the goal is for people to work together so the problem eventually ceases to exist.

Teacher: [punishes whole class because one boy started some shit]

Me: [the history nerd] „According to article 87 paragraph 3 of the Geneva Conventions III of 1949 all collective punishment are outlawed….“

Ah yes, the classic ‘guilty by association’ teaching strategy. 10/10 logic. 🙃

And we hated that one student that causes the punishment haha

Social preasure to not do it the second time?

The Army used to go one better, and punish everyone EXCEPT the person that fucked up. Blanket parties in basic were very corrective

Someone watched Full Metal Jacket

When i was in scholl we all got into trouble for some reason and had to spend like an hour long class writing this one sentence over and over again. By the end of the class the teacher looked at our progress and saw that one student had done it 3 and a half time in an hour. He was soo angry and made the student copy that sentence down like 100 times during the break.

Why are people mentioning court cases and Geneva laws? It’s a God damn middle school classroom, not an active warzone lmao

My guess would be trying to use peer pressure to curb their behavior. Not going to make a lot of friends if you are the reason everyone got punished. Not saying it’s fair, but I think that’s the logic behind it.

It’s to normalize your future boss screwing you over and making you upset at your coworkers instead of them

BTW it’s a war crime.

It is mostly likely so that the student would be punished by their friends and the like if they are getting punished for the one kids actions.

It means the teacher can effectively punish the kid twice.

“I’ll teach you little bastards…”

how to put a target on a kids back 101

Rally the mass against each other then you’re no longer the bad guy. It gets the job done though

Article 33 – Individual responsibility, collective penalties, pillage, reprisals. No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited.

Geneva Convention (IV) on Civilians, 1949 – Article 33 – IHL Treaties

Most of the time the entire class are enablers/accomplices, so…


Seeing these Geneva posts makes my eyes roll. Students have been shown to have limited rights in multiple court cases.

The reason for collective punishment varies depending on the situation:
1. There are additional participants either reinforcing the negative behavior or encouraging it to take place.
2. One individual did it this time but the behavior has been repeated.
3. Individual has shown to not respond to authoritative discipline so peer discipline is being attempted.
4. While the punishment is being triggered by the specific event the class has shown disruptive behavior throughout the period and/or week and this was the final trigger.
5. Teacher is just done and rather than deal with the attempted gaslighting and whining just said f all of you.

So that the whole class would prevent that one student from doing it again, duh.

It’s not about the punishment, it’s about sending a message.

Because often enough all the rest of you all are also bein lil shits as well

This way they don’t have to single out the guilty party and nothing ever gets resolved!

Honestly might just boil down to communist thinking. Forcing kids from an early age into collective thinking rather then individual thinking. Also forces societal conformity by forcing everyone to suffer for the wrong doing of one.

Instead they should only punish the student who did something wrong and praise those that do something right to set a better example for others to follow.

But who really knows since I’m just some guy on the Internet.

Because you shitheads hide what you’re doing, and I absolutely 100% CANNOT let you get away with it. I cannot allow your juvenile brain to think you won’t get punished for being a poopyhead.

Punishing the whole class is the best solution because it makes the class turn against the child


Never works 💀

My teachers were VERY clear they did this to insight the other students to alienate the trouble maker. Shit did not work.

Because everyone will hate the one who did it/so they never do it again

Basically trying to use peer pressure to correct a situation rather than handling it like an adult themselves.

Once a teacher told me I was in charge of the class while she went to the bathroom at the start of class. She told me that the daily warmup was 1 paragraph, but most of the class didn’t hear that. The warmup on the board still said 2 paragraphs because the honors class before us always did 2.

People were confused, so I changed the number on the board. She comes back and gets mad and makes a huge deal about someone touching the board, punishing the whole class.

Like ma’am, you put a student in charge and got mad when that student tried to help out the other students.

“alright, pop quiz!” loool

Teacher wants y’all to jump the kid causing trouble after class, duh

Teachers do this (I assume) so that it prevents everybody from doing what ever was bad

It’s not.

I mean it works, if only you get punished then it’s just a matter of if you think it’s worth the punishment, punishing everyone pressures you into not doing it again

And to the people saying it didn’t work in your school, it does but the teach actually has to stick to it and do the collective punishment for everything, because of it just happens once or twice you just blame the teach and bond over how it’s not fair, if it’s the 4th time today all you can think about is how that one asshole keeps fucking everything up and that you hate him for it

Peer pressure. One kids in trouble for everyone. Everyone corrects the one kid.

Where’s the third Option, Punish that one go to guy for every happenings in the class


“You win together or you fail together”

Maybe they’re hoping the class will turn on the student being a disruptor

I had a class full of troublemakers so every single child in that class (including me) got punished.

We had one asshole kid who pissed off a teacher’s assistant who used to work in the military and HE made us walk up and down the hallway for an hour back to back because of some stupid fucking thing a kid did


It’s a method of public shaming where the goal is to get the kids mad at the person who did it and punish them themselves; with the idea that if everyone is contributing to discipline then outbursts will lessen. A perfect example of this is in full metal jacket, where heartman starts punishing the platoon for pyles behavior, causing them to privately punish Pyle. It didn’t work out but that’s the gist

Supposed to make the students stop the one shit head.
Thing is, the shit head usually doesn’t care and will continue to be a shit head. That was my experience, at least.

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