I only cover the last 2 panels. No job, no partner. Thinking of being 6 feet deep practically daily, and it’s become a placating fantasy, like someone dreaming of a vacation.
4 days ago
So … it doesn’t get better?
4 days ago
well, you cant _feel_ satisfied, if you stay unsatisfied by yearning to reach that supposed satisfaction ig
4 days ago
Fuck it, return to monke
4 days ago
It sounds counterintuitive but one thing I learned in rehab that I still practice daily is gratitude. No matter what circumstances you are in there is always something to be grateful for, even being alive, fresh air, a good meal, really anything. Get into the habit of this daily and watch your mindset completely change.
I only cover the last 2 panels. No job, no partner. Thinking of being 6 feet deep practically daily, and it’s become a placating fantasy, like someone dreaming of a vacation.
So … it doesn’t get better?
well, you cant _feel_ satisfied, if you stay unsatisfied by yearning to reach that supposed satisfaction ig
Fuck it, return to monke
It sounds counterintuitive but one thing I learned in rehab that I still practice daily is gratitude. No matter what circumstances you are in there is always something to be grateful for, even being alive, fresh air, a good meal, really anything. Get into the habit of this daily and watch your mindset completely change.