Why pineapple chunks though?

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I’m assuming it’s because good, or sweet, foods would be hard to find in the apocalypse, so a can of fruit would be highly coveted!

only the uncultured need an explanation. canned pineapples will be the caviar of the apocalypse

Isn’t this reference to that scene in City of Ember? It’s the first that came to mind. People lived underground for centuries so they have very limited food supply and there’s a scene where they taste pineapples for the first time after finding supplies of food (all canned and preserved, nothing’s fresh anymore cause humanity had been underground for centuries) that the mayor was hoarding.

Me with my gutter mind thinking it was because of the whole myth about pineapple making your jizz taste sweet

“John I’m allergic to pineapple”
“Oh. More for me then.”

Excellent foresight!

For a period of time in Europe/england, pineapples were the height of fancy foods to have at your event. Kind of like the tulip craze where bulbs were as expensive and wealth-indicators as much as a birkin bag is today.

So yeah in a post apocalyptic world the canned version would be as close to a big deal/statement of wealth as you could get.

Survivor: “Oh…do you have Dole brand, though? These ones are kind of woody and give me gas.”

Just make the “mens dream” salad, it’s delicious when you use the right ingredients


There’s a kids book called the city of ember, or something like that, in which a city is formed underground to escape the apocalypse. There are massive storerooms of food, which is running out. One of the characters goes into an empty storeroom and finds that it was not completely empty, there was a rare luxury- canned pinapple.

That chapter in The Road where they find the bunker and fill themselves on canned foods. The man almost crys when he can give his son canned peaches 😭

If the apocalypse comes I would very much like to be your friend

Have you tried pineapple chunks in pineapple juice before? I don’t care of their canned, jarred, or in plastic, they’re good!

I did the same, but I tore the label off so I can shake it and say, “I think this is the last good one”

They don’t last. The acidic juice eats through the can eventually.

Stevemreinfo has come across a few old MRE cans of pineapple and they’re always completely rusted through and full of hard dry black shit.

My. Fucking. Step Dad.

He was banned from grocery shopping after coming home with ONE HUNDRED CANS OF PINEAPPLE. Why did he buy one hundred cans of pineapple? Cause they were 10 for a dollar!! It was such a good deal! It took over a year to go through that many cans of pineapple.

Everyone knows that after the apocalypse, all fruit will suddenly disappear from the planet so all we’ll have is canned fruit from the legendary Fruit-full Time Before.

That would be an extravagant food in the apocalypse.

I think a can of bing cherries would be a better gift.

Those things go for like $6 a can *today*. After the apocalypse I imagine you could probably trade one for a person.

Pineapple makes cum taste less bad. I’m pretty sure this person is inferring that they are going to be giving the recipient of the pineapple a birthday bj.

It’s for a post-apocalyptic r/psych marathon

Why would you do readily play into a prophetical apocalypse vision? Do you seek the dreary future you foresaw? I’d be avoiding pineapple for life.

Along with Ivermectin and Vicks Vap-O-Rub, pineapple chunks will be the currency of the future. Think of it as an investment. You know, for your future.

Is pineapple really for special occasions?

And you may not even have to wait that long the way things are going. Hell, the can may not even be expired.

It’s yumny

There’s a very specific Hetalia fanfiction that this reminds me of called Gutters

I’ve always had this thought when throwing away old candy. This would be so awesome to have in those scenarios

Thank you for facilitating the Apocalypse, a notice of benefit shall be sent to you soon. Don’t worry, we’ve already got your address. 😁

Eating pizza in your birthday . . .

Norman Stanley Fletcher would be proud! Just Desserts – Porridge



The other day I literally saw “have you prepared for 30 days without electricity and food” article in the local news. Wild that I’ve gone all my live without seeing that shit to all of a sudden being reminded all the time that war is around the corner.

The pineapple is a symbol of hospitality, & it’s from when it was considered a rare fruit, so wealthy people would even rent one to have on display at parties.

So if you’re serving pineapple after the apocalypse, you really will be “the hostess with the most-ess”!

its fucking pineapple what?

not only is pineapple sweet and delicious but it also helps you digest other foods you probably would be eating during an apocalypse

this isnt just food, its damn near medicine.

My great aunt got an orange for her birthday during WWII. It doesn’t take an apocalypse—just scarcity.

Pineapple is mostly grown in Costa Rica. Tariffs incoming.

Mandarin oranges in a cold can eaten with desperation is my personal preference

That’s how I feel on the rare occasion I buy the Dole Deluxe Gold canned pineapple! 🍍

Canned pineapple was more precious than gold during WWII outside of the Americas. Owning a pineapple was a sign of wealth in Victorian England. It only grows in certain conditions, each plant can only produce 1 fruit per year, each plant only lives 3-7 years, and it takes up to 2 years for a plant to produce its 1st fruit. In an apocalypse, pineapple is going to be one of the first things to disappear.

Yall ain’t read the city of ember as kids?

This illicits a memory in my ancient bones.

The Road has a similar scene where the dad finds fruit cocktail & gives it to his son for his birthday.

I also remember a Post Apocalyptic Suzanne Collins book with a similar scene

Making a cheese and pineapple hedgehog during the apocalypse sounds pretty great.

Pineapples used to be a sign of wealth in European cultures when they weren’t readily available like they were now. People would have parties and place a pineapple on display so people could see it, not eat it.

I assume once the apocalypse happens pineapples will go back to being a rare luxury status.

In memory of JonBenet Ramsey.

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