Why what would happen ? ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Because their drug of choice is meth!

Being from Florida means youโ€™re not scared of hurricanes or alligators.

Florida man, having to encounter a tornado or an earthquake would be terrified.

Donโ€™t be mad we feed our swamp puppies hallucinogens

New from the people who brought you โ€˜Cocaine Bearโ€™!

I mean, I didn’t have any desire to do it before but after the sign, I kinda want to.

That looks deadly.

What the Florida – WTF

Remember: Rules are only in place to prevent something from happening again

Every warning sign is written in blood.

Have you seen the flying Reindeer?

Florida man speed running the Jurassic park timeline

They tried to recreate Cocaine Bear film?

instead use LSD

Isn’t that sign kind of introducing a new problem

Friends don’t let alligators do drugs

They could become sentient and go Rogue #southernreach

Pretty self explanatory, I think

man… really treating animals like this…

Id rather give shrooms to a bear or smth they shouldve been the humans fr

The story is someone made a funny sign, bolted it to a post, stabbed it into the ground, took a picture, posted it to social media, then confusion and laughter ensued. End of story.

I think itโ€™s fairly clear what happened.

Com’on the crocks need some high too ๐Ÿ˜ญ

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