Why would anyone get a window tattooed? 🤔

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Maybe he really likes Chex mix

It was going to be a maze

I like it when it’s the Microsoft window with trails

I’m always for people learning from their mistakes and trying to be a better person.

Edit/update: so I guess this trash hasn’t learned or grown and is a POS. I try to give people room to learn and grow but this guy just sucks.

Good on him for covering it.

I had a patient some years back, he was unfortunately very chronically ill in his 30s, horrible heart condition. He was flat broke and basically only came in for treatments. Any time we had to scan his heart, he’d stop us and apologize for his tattoos. He had a lot of racist white supremacy tattoos and explained he’d spent his teens and 20s in jail and made a lot of stupid decisions and was just trying to get healthy enough to work again so he could get the money to cover them. I felt bad for the guy.

Would you rather he kept the swastika?

He’s a fan of Bill Gates

Glad he covered up what it used to be.

It is an unwinnable tic tac toe grid duh

It’s his window to the world because he is a sweet open minded guy

“It’s going to be a maze”

He should’ve made the window bigger and had a little cat looking out

This coverup is a massive improvement. People can and do change for the better, and I don’t think we should make fun of them when they do.

Used to be a swastika would be my guess.

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A cunning Nazi disguise lol

Question. We all know what this is for. Did he cover it because he had a change of heart or because he didn’t want it to be on TV?

Because before it was a window it was a way to survive prison..

Should have put red green yellow and blue respectively in each square and tell people you just love Windows XP.

So people can see. Before they could nazi.

Yes, if there was remorse, it could be a square or any design. This is not remorse. He’s the same guy displaying the same swastika to the same aryans.

Kinda looks like a minecraft trapdoor

He lost btw, karma is nice sometimes

First thing that caught my eye was what looks like a gunshot wound in the gun tattoo

Looks like it *used to be* a shitty tattoo.

To everybody saying it’s a bad coverup – there’s no such thing as a bad coverup of a swastika.

Not a swastika…. It’s a wasstika

Are you seriously asking?

The number of people commenting “could be a swastika cover up” is astonishing. Yes, that is the OBVIOUS sarcasm of the post.

Most weak linux hater

Because if you’re gonna work with your shirt on, you can selectively reveal your unfinished window tattoo to your…. friends.

If you’re gonna work with your shirt off, especially on television, you have to get around to getting the second sitting on your yet-unfinished window tattoo. Otherwise people might realize who your friends likely are.

Lol at “definitely not a german flag” on the arm.


I got a feeling that tattoo used to be something a little more controversial

Given its location and orientation, I be it used to be a swastika, like the one Ed Norton had in American History X

That’s a waffle

He must be a great fan of the luftwaffle

its actually the chinese character for field

He saw his window for opportunity to be accepted back into normal society

It’s definately a cover up of a swastika

Was once a nazi swastika maybe

It’s probably a covered up swat sticker

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It’s quite obviously a Swastika, probably from prison that was filled in. Hopefully their mentality has also been filled in.

Hopefully this means he changed his ways and no longer believes those ideas.

All things considered, at least he did something about it. Just hope he means it.

Maybe a swastika cover up

To hide the fact he’s a nazi

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