Why would you put the left-leaning bar on the right and the right-leaning bar on the left?

By koh_kun
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Rumble gets its own line, but Facebook, instagram, and TikTok all have to share? The creator of this graph is obviously biased.

Grouping Twitch and Kick together is very disingenuous and definitely skews the results there

Also mildly infuriating: notice the lack of other large providers: Amazon, Netflix. People using stats to present an intentionally skewed perspective.

I’d say that this graph just shows that right wingers make shows more, I doubt this has anything to do with an overall sentiment.

While I do think there is more right-winged content than left-winged content. I think this graph is complete dogshit and whoever made it is also an idiot

Propaganda, same how conservative appropriated the color red in the us.

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Couple of obvious issues:
1. Missing many major media platforms
2. How do you objectively define left vs right? I know some people who think the right for illegal immigration isnā€™t political.

Also, why those colours? Very USA.

Its not oriented to upset or confuse conservatives. It’s a liberal org. They put red on the left because that’s where the small/ bad/ negative stuff goes on your graph. We all get the color scheme, too.

Why is right leaning measured to the left šŸ˜­

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Not you, the graph maker.

What constitutes a “show”?

Probably something to do with subconscious bias. Stuff to the left instinctively gets conflated with being negative, so it makes right wing “the negative” version.

This kind of chart is useless for direct comparison (Vs say a side by side bar chart representation of the data). So even if I’m wrong, it’s an intentional attempt to obfuscate the data somehow for sure.

Someone doesn’t understand X Y axis

From a graphic designer standpoint, space. There’s not enough space to give an esthetically pleasing image if you were to reverse them as there would be too much negative space to the right side of the image from the central axis being too close to your logos on the left. The way they have it frames the image better.

The person who created the graph is on the other side of the screen, so from their perspective it makes more sense.

Data is ugly

This graph is infuriatingly designed on so many level, the groupinggg

Accurately presenting results is often the biggest issue with data analysis.

I wonder if this has anything to do with left-leaning folks in general just not being as absorbed by social media as right leaning folks. Less phone addiction and being more in touch with reality instead of looking up to iconoclasts.

To make things look more left leaning I assume.

If they’re right leaning, their feet are on the left.

This is also just a terrible graph format. It would make more sense to be made in this format
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The left side of zero is usually for negative things, which tracks with it corresponding to the right wing stuff.

Can I get at least a short list of those so-called “right leaning” shows? Or at least a criteria for what is considered “left/right leaning”.

Most of my media recs are flooded by what I consider left-oriented media, this graph seems not exactly true.

Basically hoping someone doesnā€™t read the colour codes and to piss right wingers off to thinking that all media is controlled by the left, then if some of them develop a brain and check the colour code and get pissed they got tricked the people making the statistics can just brush it away like ā€œwell we gave you the colour codeā€

Subtle trickery to adjust political views and bias is not new , nor is it unintentional

Back when radio was more popular, way more right leaning shows than liberal shows. Same thing for podcasting now. Liberal talk shows seem to suck. As a centrist who has always voted both sides, I have to say liberals suck at developingĀ  entertaining content without appearing smug, elitist, and “better than thou”.Ā 

What a terrible metric to use so you can misrepresent facts

I don’t but that chart at all.

Because itā€™s David Brock what else would you expect



Answer to your question in title just to annoy for shared purpose is my guesses

My rough math reflects that there is one on line show (whatever that might be) for every 10 people on the planet. Realizing that many content producers create more than one show, that’s still a very high number.

Imagine if they also reversed the colors?

Interesting visuals of where the elusive “modern audience” is

I wonder if they’re backwards to play the whole left being more insidious thing? The data itself is being presented truthfully, but deceptively to make people believe the opposite. I could be wrong, but it’s an odd choice otherwise

Kemtucky shumffle: Enerybody looking where the left right and wrong side to cover manippluation.

Maybe they are at stage left/right instead of audience left/right?

A telling sign the world has gone mad.

Iā€™m more annoyed that the Conservative right-leaning shows are on the left-hand side of the graph.

This bothers me on a deep, stupid level lol.

I like how this highlights the most profitable demographic to pander to.

That is certainly a problem and you are right to call it out, but considering that politics cannot be expressed in a left / right paradigm, what does any of that mean anyway?

Don’t get caught up in details and miss the broad strokes.

The fact of the matter is that the core concept here is invalid, this is how you are really being fooled, the lie is hidden inside the truth.

Because the left are right, and the right are batshit crazy bigoted morons.

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