Will Ferrell dresses up as Buddy the Elf at a Dec.29 hockey game between the Kings and Flyers.

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Buddy’s had some hard times.

He must be a South Pole elf

He looks like Billy Bob Thornton in Bad Santa.

I love that the cig is just part of the fit

Never change Will

Are we sure that’s not Chad Smith dressed as Will Farrel dressed as buddy the elf.

The real world is an ugly place… it changes an elf

His wife is a patient woman.

It’s like his Trading Places Santa version of Buddy. Buddy after living hard in the city for two decades.

Love it.

He’s the Elf for Bad Santa.

When I was younger I really disliked Will Ferrell and his comedy style. Then one day it clicked for me and I finally got it and have loved him ever since.


I wonder if that’s an original costume or one he bought on Amazon.

They should make a Bad Santa type “Elf” remake with Will Farrell going through hard times becoming top elf.

Were Anthony, John and Flea also dressed up there too?

such an angry elf


I don’t think ELF needs or should have a sequel, but I must admit the concept of an older Buddy the elf whos now become cynical about christmas / drunk / a smoker etc having to refind his christmas spirit etc… it could work. Sure its basically Bad Santa but from the starting point of ELF makes it more interesting.

He’s in a glass case of emotion.


Will Ferrel dressed as Ron Pearlman dressed as Buddy the Elf

Nahh dog thats Chad Smith

Like fine fucking wine with this man.

Is that a candy cig?

Buddy has seen some shit.

Has anyone already done a before buddy after buddy meme


Looks ready to head back to rehab.

He looks like a cross between Buddy the Elf and John McClane. Jovie left him and took the kids to the South Pole and Buddy became an alcoholic. Elf 2 should be a cross between Die Hard and Elf.

North Pole is feeling the budget cuts coming in 2025

Cigarettes are bad for your elf

Looks like Buddy’s now employed by Billy Thornton Santa

Got hooked on the mail room syrup and lost his job at Santas workshop.

His kid looks _exactly_ like my kid

His son bears a resemblance to Charlie Conway

Elf on a Curb

“hey Buddy, are you *feral* or something, Will you take off your hat?!” – person sitting behind him


That side eye look lol

Buddy turned into Scrooge. Or Bob Newhart from the movie.

Of course the flyers fucking lost. Terrible goddammed season

“Bad Buddy” The Elf sequel we desperately need.

Why though?

He’s a angry elf

Her may have dressed up for a sequel where is character fell on hard times because holiday spirits disappearing.

Going into 2025 be like

Is this the first sneaky promo for Elf 2?

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