Williams have the same amount of crashes as points in 2024. (17)

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That is a hard pic

A non-perez stat on the subreddit ? No way

this is roughly Half of the points checo earned in the last 17 races

I was gonna say you can only get one per race. But then correct to one per driver. But then remembered the could also crash in Q1-3 and sprint. Who knows!

comment image?width=657&format=png&auto=webp&s=a934e9eda06bc8cada8e90a75ef2fdee25c174cf

How will this affect Checo’s legacy?

Okay but what is this as a percentage of Perez?

I like how all people from Williams kinda accepted that 2024 is a cursed year for them. You can’t make this shit up.

“Qatar, there are no walls there, but of course first lap incident happens. Abu Dhabi? Everyone drove over that fucking curb but only They got damaged. Okay it’s race time, we’re just gonna finish the race, okay NVM piastri just fucked it.”

In the last few races I just wanted it to end lol

Same kind of vibe
comment image?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adf3d1201e730537a0e0dd9f4d0e1940985ae250

Hardest working team out there.

I was confused and thought OP meant same amount as Checo and was thinking “that can’t be right.” Then I realised it wasn’t another Checo stat post.

Cool Guys Don’t Look At Explosions

Perfectly balanced,

As all things should be….

Equivalent to how many Checo Bananas?

lets go for 500 crashes next season

That photo is straght fire!

It’s terrible but terribly funny ๐Ÿคฃ

It’s badass when you are in front of what you destroyed.

The world is recovering, we got non-perez stat /s

the mechanics deserve the salary rise after the car damages that were seen during this season but knowing the budget they have that’s unlikely to happen.

Sargent looks like Robotech

Somebody make this a checostat, NOW!

Now that’s called a crazyy stat

So you say they need more crashes next year? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Why he looks like michael jackson (jetpack exit) to me ?lol

They are expensive points

Now that’s impressive

Well letโ€™s go for 500 crashes then!


Who wants these? Bring Perez back on the menu.

It’s real, Friday at 4:55pm vibes.

He looks photo shopped

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