Willie, a parrot, alerted its owner, Megan Howard, when the toddler she was babysitting began to choke. Megan was in the bathroom, the parrot began screaming “mama, baby” while flapping its wings as the child turned blue. Megan rushed over and performed the Heimlich, saving the girls life.

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An African Grey parrot named Bud witnessed his owner’s murder and would vocalize parts of the final argument the owner had with his wife before she shot him. 

*Don’t fucking shoot!*

Animals are really incredible.

My childhood cat potentially saved my life once when i was a young adult, he saw me collapse in agony then somewhat recover but he insisted on alerting my parents, then standing his ground, screaming his head off outside my room. It was so uncharacteristic of him and I knew it meant I had to go to the hospital. I was in emergency surgery for a burst stomach ulcer and was just hours away from developing peritonitis.

I had a Quaker parrot once. They’re incredible. Very intelligent for something with a brain smaller than a peanut.

My grandmother had an African gray that saved her from a home invasion. My grandfather had died a few years earlier. The parrot was his. After he died, the bird would never imitate his voice except on the anniversary of his death and his birthday. Then, all day he’d talk like my grandfather.

My grandmother lived alone, and someone came to her door one night. Young guy in his 20s. He was right up against the door, asking her questions and got a foot inside. All of a sudden, the bird started calling for my grandmother in my grandfather’s voice. She was quick thinking enough to answer the bird, and he called back an appropriate response. And then asked who was at the door! At that point, the guy backed up, apologized and ran off. I ended up having to stay with her for a while, after that. She was really shaken up. But she started absolutely pampering the bird after that.

I had a Quaker parrot as a child, it never spoke but ate so many raw carrots it had an orange tinge to some of its feathers

Now that’s a good bird.

I had a dog I rescued from a really bad situation. Required alot of TLC and training. She ended up being THE BEST dog ever. I’m a night owl and would walk around our apartment complex loop with her every night before bed. But one night, she refused to go down part of the loop (a light was broken, and it made the path darker than normal). I turned around and went back (dont need to tell me twice, I trust her judgement). The next day I found out a woman was raped right there. 

My granddad told this story now and then, about an Irish Setter his family had when he was a baby. He was in a high chair and wiggling around – and wiggled in such a way that the entire thing tipped over right into the fireplace he was next to.

The family Irish setter rushed forward and pulled him out. No burns on him but the poor thing lost a lot of fur on her face.

Animals can help us so much 🙂

And still people will look you dead in the face and doubt wheter “animals are actually conscious?”

Good birdie 🫴🏼🥜🫐

We Are thinking about getting a pet. I like dogs, my wife like birds. But I’m kinda getting into the bird spirit too. Any advice on how it’s really with a bird as a pet? We’re thinking about parakeets 🦜.

Stolen word for word as it is every time it’s reposted. What the fuck do you need the internet points for exactly?

My budgies alerted us to a fire that had started in the kitchen just by standing on top of their cage all looking at it and raking as loudly as possible until we put it out. Parrots are great.

Some source to this would be nice to have..

Never realized how vastly emotional and intelligent parrots are took we got some,

It humbled me realizing the thing that made humans human was never our ability to love or make connections and just about all animals do that

The real story is Megan is a terrible babysitter.

Someone’s been practicing their typing speed.


good bot (since birds aren’t real)

Thank You! Willie you rock!

Blessed Willie

Parrot 1, Food 0

Needed this story

Aww, smart little birdie


how long of a shit was she taking if the kid was already blue upon discovery?

how does an adult perform Heimlich on a toddler?

fkn load of embellished fodder here

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