With all due respect

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Ricky: “With all due respect, Mr. Dennit, I had no idea you’d gotten experimental surgery to have your balls removed.”

Dennit: “What did you just say to me?”

Ricky: “What? I said with all due respect!”

Dennit: “Just because you say that doesn’t mean you get to say whatever you want to say to me!”

Ricky: “It sure as hell does!”

Dennit: “No, it doesn’t–”

Ricky: “It’s in the Geneva Conventions, look it up!”

I love when people follow it up with something not respectful in the slightest lol

“All due respect, kill yourself.”

My favorite is “We’ll give your idea all the consideration it’s due.”

I miss conversations with junior officers when I was active duty Navy. With all due respect, sir, you have no idea what you’re talking about and you’ll probably get someone killed. A close 2nd is… permission to speak freely?

When spam callers annoy me I don’t say “have a good day”, instead I say “have the day you deserve”

I see St Vincent. I upvote.

I thought exactly the same when I first heard that expression. It must have been in a movie as I cannot recall hearing this ever in real life.

It often means ‘in the absence of respect you think you deserve’

You have a point.

I like how “all due respect” and “ say what you will” are kinda the opposite of each other haha

It’s the professional version of “I’m not being funny but…”

Still working on finding a professional way to say “wind your fucking neck in”

it’s definitely none

I respect that

This is how I used to use it

Hadn’t thought of that aspect before but I think has some truth – I suppose is situational and particular to the person(s) involved in or subject of a conversation

I say this with all the respect you deserve. *proceeds to treat them like trash*

I pretty much only say this when I have zero respect for someone or their argument. Opposing counsel once retorted “It doesn’t sound like you respect us at all.” Well, yeah.

With all dew respect, condensation is amazing.

It’s always none.

I prefer, “with all due respect, which to be clear, is none….”

“have the day you deserve.”

And usually followed by something VERY disrespectful

That’s why Luca Brazzi sleeps with the fishes

With all due respect, Grammy awards are worthless participation trophies now.

Dear Mr Smith, with all due respect (and you deserve none in my opinion because you’re a piece of shit), […]


In community, Jeff Winger says to his dad: “With all due respect, which is none, go to hell.”

I’ve sometimes used that when responding to some really terrible people. “With all due respect (which is precisely none),…” And I then go on to say something that pretty blatantly exposes their position for just how ignorant and disgusting it truly is.

And I’m basically talking about people who celebrate the death and suffering of others and base that on some stupid position here. Like people who point to a distorted version of natural selection to say it’s a good thing that people died from COVID and we shouldn’t treat sick people.

Generally, none is at the high end of the variance when that phrase is used.

Same energy ‘as I hope you have the birthday/holiday/marriage you deserve!’

I always emphasize the word “due”.

I love to say “with all due respect, which isn’t a lot” or “with all due respect, and respect is due” if I actually mean it

Isn’t that the point of the phrase?

“With all due respect, which is none, go eat a dick”

ya think ?

When really pissed, I’ve started sentences with “with all due respect, which is none…”

Because that’s literally is what it is saying. With all due respect, I’m giving you the least amount of respect possible.

I prefer ‘all due, undue and overdue respect’ as a term

But it does mean you can say whatever you want.

Walked away from a job once with the line “You know what? With all due respect, fuck you”

It usually is.

If it’s used in a professional and sensitive manner, it’s actually a really good phrase. It means you’re going to disagree with someone about something, but you don’t want to belittle them. Especially if its two people with different bodies of knowledge (rather than two coworkers doing the same thing)

I use it without the “due” and just say “with respect” meaning I understand what you’re doing and how you arrived at this, but I don’t think there’s a better way forward and I’m trying to be as nice as I can while disagreeing with you.



While I agree with the musing, there is nothing oddly specific about it.

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