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Do you trust the American military to disobey unlawful orders?

6 hours and literally the entire cabinet unanimously voting to immediately drop it

End wokeness is a masterclass in cherry picking and twisting the facts to try to rile up their already unstable base. I know the oop pointed it out already but they conveniently left out the part that it was conservatives trying to usurp control through military force.

We do love wannabe dictators being stopped in their tracks.

And no one was shot or killed.

Magas will gladly give trump their guns when he asks them too.

End Wokeness might be the worst Twitter account ever created. Maybe a close second to only Libs of Tiktok. Absolute misinformation and lies and just downright right wing propaganda.

I thought the lawmakers vetoed the order? Not armed citizens.

I’ve seen Korean cops lay waste just using batons. They don’t need guns.

A right wing president. His entire party voted against him and his order to martial law. Wish our right wing had some back bone and weren’t a bunch of a sycophantic, ass licking, backtracking, pathetic, cowards when it came to trump in 2021

This is hilarious considering the NRA and the gun nuts have all lined up squarely behind Trump and his neo Nazi followers

What’s happening in *America* is why you should never want to give up your guns.

Of course, for a third of Americans, the reason it’s shaping up to be is, sadly, “in case the tyrannical government needs help putting down a rebellion”.

But hey, at least it’s a *home grown* authoritarian oligarch instead of some dirty foreigner.

It’s was the union who bitch slapped them.

The workers !!!!

Oh yeah, these gravy seals are so ready to fight a militarized superpower.

What happened in SK reminds of what happened in Peru not long ago, when the president tried to stage a coup and literally within the same day he was unanimously impeached and arrested for high treason and attempted coup d’etat.

Rule number one of trying to take over a government: Be 101% sure that the military is on your side.

Well you have to want to. They don’t have Rupert Murdoch platforms feeding them lies daily so they don’t really know who to believe.

They have a system that isnt completely on the dark side yet, that’s why they fixed it. Can’t say the same for the U.S.

South Korean military says Martial Law will remain in effect until lifted by the President (who just lifted it an hour ago).



Close call on a military coup.

Military service is mandatory for all men in S Korea right? Maybe the fact that they’re actually prepared to fight back had something to do with this..

Wait, what happened? Oh the chief executive didn’t get what his way and declared martial law… interesting because only one US president has floated the idea of martial law this century and that would be Donald J. Trump.

It’s funny that it’s the never give up your guns crowd that stormed the Capitol

Funnily enough I’ve yet to see an American gun owner ever do anything good with their guns.

Do they have a “well regulated militia” in South Korea? Or a president who tried to over-reach, and a cabinet he can’t control?

Either way, they’ve got more than America at the moment.

Yeah, but… I don’t trust how fucking *dumb* our people are.

This does not indicate that Y’all Qaeda or Meal Team Six is any match for the US military. Although, many Y’all Qaeda and Meal Team Six are in the US Military… It would just be a bloodbath.

the way to beat fascism is clearly to mobilize, hinder, and refuse to assist them in their efforts.

dictators only retain power when people do as they are told.

End Far Reichness

and they did it without guns!

Not a right-wing government. “Liberal Democratic party”. But don’t let facts slow you down.

South Korean military could have taken country, they would have no resistance. No guarantee going forward that doesn’t change.

how fucking delusional do you have to be to think you’d be able to beat the fucking American military.

Only because the men with guns so chose to stop it. It’s not like they linked hands and stopped martial law through hippy magic. The guys with the guns CHOSE not to continue.

Si you expect your government to turn 1940s in present days? 🤔

I seriously want someone to ask Jack Posobiec to define wokeness

Where’s the Ike stickers where he points and said I did that?

Well-regulated Right-wing militias will *aid* a Trump coup.

Their guns won’t stop military government, but they’ll do a good job of suppressing their fellow citizens.

And we won’t be able to stop ours. It would require American leadership to be compromised of individuals with actual leadership skills.

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