Won’t someone PLEASE think of the poor CEOs!

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The fact that the same person can be on the Board of Directors of multiple companies tells me that it must not be a particularly demanding job.

I’d say “greed of middle managers and their staff” is not a great way to engender sympathy from the masses.

Oh no, won’t someone think of the poor widdle overworked CEOs?

This motherfucker thinks that “Oh, please think about the poor shareholders!!!” is a defense for a man who killed thousands of people with white-collar license?

Eat the rich

He’s doing the oligarchy part out loud now.

Wait is this real

“It has been brought to my attention”

And you are?

Fuck Elon.

“greedy” and “lazy” middle management and their staff? JFC.

Take one second and ask yourself “who hires the middle management?”

Give someone on the street with comprehension skills and 6months- 1 year of training and they will do the job just as well.

If not better, because they know what the ground looks like.

dEliCaTe BaLanCIng

Sure bud. Whatever helps you sleep at night with your ketamine addled brain.

CEO is probably the job AI is best suited to replace. Feed a bunch of data into a predective model and have it spit out recommendations for future corporate policies.

Keep creative types and engineers as VPs and you’re good to go. Shareholders should sue boards to implement this model on the ground of fiscal obligations.

Fuck him, I sincerely hope he’s next.

Would someone please tell this guy that he’s not supposed to say the quiet parts out loud? What a dip shit megaphone.

Lol, this is legit hysterical. Should also be posted to r/funny. Fuck Elon Musk and all CEOs. 

So he admits that CEOs only care about the shareholders, huh?

So, fuck the consumers, and in this case, all the people who suffered under scummy insurance practices.

link to the tweet?

Hmm, balancing the interest of shareholders against the other interests of said shareholders. Super hard and super important. I can understand why some people need to die (be denied coverage etc.) over that. /s

You know… He has a testable theory there. I wonder if it really would be destitute without CEOs


Billionaires and the elite have gotten us to this point and look at how fucked everything is. Nice try rocket launch diddy.

Biggest money hoarder in the whole planet calls anyone else greedy? Does he really think his follower base is that stupid? Or is he really that stupid to see the irony?

I believe in the hand maidens tale, they had the equivalent to ceo’s running everything right? Only they were educated enough to make decisions for everyone else, only they were allowed to breed, etc

Elon, everyone appreciates that you have volunteered to be our next test subject.

Sleep with one eye open, Leon.

What would we do without CEOs? Probably live happier lives.

I refuse to believe he said this.

Laziness and greed of middle management???!!!

Fuck You sideways with a 2×4, you evil corporate, public-raping, money-hoarding, soulless, motherfucking ghoul.

May 1000 more of you catch a Bullet to the Head.

The delicate balance of literally hoarding wealth lol. “Corporate laziness and greedy middle management”

That tracks, another tone deaf billionaire


Does he honestly think he’s making a point to people by saying that they need to exist to make rich people richer, while also calling workers lazy?

What *these* people fail to understand is that without the person replacing your toilet paper, emptying your trashcan, and stocking the shelves, things would fall apart.

He is scared and rambling

Just scrolled his x feed, he didn’t post this on his official account

So I was lied to when I was told I was replaceable?

lol thank god the ceos are there to generate profits for share holders, allow shareholders to maintain wealth, and stick it to those lazy workers.

The narrative of, “It’s everyone’s fault but the richest people on Earth, and mine.” Republicans are in love with is wild. All these conspiracies of the corporate elite but now they think these same people are the ones that’ll save the country. One minute they’re diddling kids and are secretly reptiles the next they’re messiahs.

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