“working for the American people” my a$$

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And coming from KFC

I don’t want him to fight for me.

I want him to quit for me.

Where did she buy her doctorate?

It’s amazing how delusional some people are

He’s working on his golf game

What is she a doctor of? Sounds more like she should be one of the patients.

Fump !

Yes, he wouldn’t have stopped working if he had never started.

When you grift hard, you play hard

Mofo has spent like 18.5 million on golf and has been in office for like 7 weeks. “bUt hE DOnaTeS hIS sAlaRY”

Someone should film him golfing and critique every move he makes.

He can stop working for me immediately.

well white people gossip at work for like 4 hours on a 8 hour shift so I’m not surprised they think Trump is working hard

Someone in my city drives an old cadi with decals on it to make it look like that to Home Depot.

in the past, how much time off have presidents taking? I have a sneaking suspicion ots less in four years than Trump in two months.

That was a comment from a doctor at that 🙄🙄🙄 Supposedly educated.

Diaper Don just out there golfing with his Russian buddies talking about “things”. It’s wild the USSS can hear everything being said and be like, “Those were codes to our submarines… oh well. Back to staring at squirrels.”

He fighting with us now!

Please, keep eating like shit!

More like working ON us

Keep fighting keep fighting!!! Yeah exactly what they want us to do to each other!!! So obvious

But he’s on the phone. He must be working. Wait a second, he’s ordering pizza?

These people are so fucking brain dead and absolutely convinced he’s the next coming of their lord and savior. They will totally ignore all the completely obvious signs of him not doing shit for the average person. I can’t stop shaking my head. They refuse to believe they are part of the cult.

Keep fighting to save double bogey!

It’s crazy how fucking stupid MAGAts are

Donald Trump spent 1/4th of his first time as president golfing. A year. Out of four.

Imagine saying that’s your guy.

He’s already cost the taxpayers 18 million plus and it’s not even been 2 months. Tell me again about the fired federal WORKERS are the wasteful ones.

I believe that’s sign language for “thanks, suckers!”

Lazy Dickhead Goes Golfing

Film at 11

Of course he is working at his golf course. I heard people that visit pay 5 million $ to consult him. If that isn’t work, i don’t know.

Democrats demand Trump do more, they’re loving what Trump does!

bUt ItS weRrk.

Probably has one of those Lunatic LinkedIn accounts too

Nobody really checks if you’re a doctor anymore, do they?

Should I just start calling myself a doctor? Maybe give myself a new name while I’m at it?

Hello, I’m Dr. Mance Bicycleson, I wrote a book called The Alpha Bear Diet. It’s #2 on Amazon even though I’m lying and never wrote it.

Dr. Dawn Michael is a Phd in sex lol. In a non-clinical context it’s okay to refer to yourself as doctor, still a lot of people choose Joe Blow Phd instead of saying Dr Joe Blow.

And costing the American taxpayer millions to do it. How is this efficient?

We can’t have a board of education because of “efficiency” but he can steal 18 million tax dollars to play golf.

Time for change.

*Trump shits his pants* 

MAGA: “OMG, He did that because he thinks we are the shit. He loves us 😍😍😍.” 

We shouldn’t discourage him from playing golf. The less time he has to fuck up the country the better.

It is interesting how Trump functions as an emotional support president for his supporters. They get a hit of dopamine any time they see him and it makes them feel good. Doesn’t at all matter what he is actually saying or doing, they just need to see him.

North Korea shit

the camera man had a clean shot

i can’t stop laughing at this

bro is NOT fighting 💀

On the way to the golf course *on your dime*. You are paying for him to go on vacation every weekend, and he is pocketing a large portion of that money.

Trump golfs, Joe took naps.

So. Biden and Ob. Did the same. Whatever.

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