Worst Casting Choice in a movie?

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I always thought the gold standard was John Wayne as Gengis Khan.

kevin hart as roland

Maria Bello as Evelyn O’connell in The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

Idk man, I watched them cast Denise Richards as a nuclear physicist. Despite an inability to pronounce either word.

The two leads in Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets. Zero chemistry together, weak acting.

Ezra Miller didn’t pan out well either

My vote goes to Uncharted for casting the worst Nate Drake in Tom Holland and simultaneously casting the worst possible Sully in Mark Wahlberg.

Mikey Rooney as an asian in Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Jared Leto’s Joker was the last insult for DC.

Every single borderlands cast member, Tom holland as drake in uncharted

Sofia Coppolla in Godfather 3 should be the default answer for this question.

Keanu Reeves in Dracula was humiliating to watch

Jake Gyllenhaal being the “Prince of Persia” comes to mind.

Haha is it bad that I thought this was Michael C. Hall playing a young Dexter at first?

Topher Grace As vemon/eddie brock

Johnny Depp as Grindelwald in the Fantastic Beasts movies.

Whyyyyyyyyy would you opt for him when Colin Farrell was *so* good.

George Clooney as batman.

Look, the man has a range i confirm that but playing a bastard rich dude with bat suit with titanium nipples on is a way out of his line.

I’m surprised I haven’t seen Emma Stone as an Asian/Hawaiian in Aloha yet lol

Dane DeHann in Valerian city of a thousand planets. Although a good actor he was a bizarre choice for the lead in that film.

Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher.

Jaden Smith in…..anything

Ezra Miller as Barry Allen

Woody Harleson as CARNAGE?!??

Beyoncé in Goldmember. I don’t think I’ve seen less sexual chemistry on screen since irreversible

Tom cruise as Reacher

Tom cruise as Les Grossman

I remember being CERTAIN they were going to reveal that his hair was a wig. Lex Luthor is traditionally bald, and his hair in the movie looked like a really bad wig, so it seemed like it would make an obvious reveal.

Antonio Tarver as Mason Dixon in Rocky Balboa. He followed in the footsteps of giants – Creed/Weathers, Lang/MrT, Drago/Lundgren – so he had enormous shoes to fill. But Tarver brought no charisma, intimidation, or presence. Not sure why they went with a real boxer vs someone who could play the heel. 

Cameron Díaz: Gangs of New York

Chris Pratt as Mario Mario.

Tom Holland or Marky Mark in Uncharted

Scarlet Johanneson in that live action Ghost in the Shell was like that one scene in The Office where Dwight has a piece of paper that says “Asian” stuck to his forehead.

Fuckin dreadful film. Not even Takeshi Kitano was able to salvage it 🙁

Whoever put Gloria Grahame and Rod Steiger in Oklahoma, a *musical,* should have been fired.
Same for whoever cast the leads in Paint Your Wagon.

Everyone in Borderlands

I thought Christopher Walken in Dune 2 was silly . Great movie in general.

Cameron Diaz in Gangs of New York

Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher.  The movies weren’t even bad and Cruise was okay in them.  But casting a smaller guy as a character who is integrally a gigantic unstoppable fighter is just baffling.

He did an ok job, but I honestly think that the casting of Lance Reddick to play Albert Wesker in that TV show, the character who was a product of Eugenics testing and believed in “purging undesirables” and does that by first targeting Africa…seems really off and I’m usually fine with fit rather than look.

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