Worth a thousand words.

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The look on zelensky’s face is fucking priceless. There’s no better example of “this guy is a fucking moron” ever.

Idk how our current “president” can talk a leader of any country like that.. his brains truly gone and it’s only been about a month

I saw that look real time and immediately knew he was subconsciously asking everyone “*Am I the only one seeing this shit? You’re seeing this too, right?!*”

I can tell it was completely subconscious too, just a genuine unconscious perplexed “*what the actual fuck is happening right now*”.

I feel so, so, **so** bad for Zelensky and I hope he knows **MANY** Americans have his back, even over our own current shitshow.

“RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA” – Some asshole who is actively, and maliciously accelerating the destruction of the world.


It is unbelievably sad how gullible and out of touch so many people can be.

He always shows his palms while he talks. Weirdo.

LMAO! That look is an instant classic of wha the world and more than half of the USA is thinking right now under this fascist!

A humiliating day to be an American.


Trump is a disgrace!

Is Elon dead yet?

It’s how your girl would act if you told her there was this guy who was super mean to you

Trump being Putin’s gal, it plays out the same

Make America Ass Again

The implosion is coming in hot. A fucko like Trump will not create history.

This used to be the title of a website that showed people’s photoshop abilities. I guess it’s somewhat ironic given that photoshop helped with a lot of the fake news. 

Man on left…2-year old on right…


I love it, but this will get removed for Rule 2

What happened to rule #2?

Rest of the entire world. 200 upvotes. Some how on the front page.

Why is there not more uproar about this from the democrats?? Ffs try to save some face.

What can we do about it?

And the rest of the world will still look that way for years to come

no, 7 words does just fine.

This is going to be a crazy 4 years. Can’t wait for the prison term.

The Orange Grinch

Nazi virgins

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