Would be fair under circumstances

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“The Statue of Liberty wasn’t a gift either btw”

Nice burn. “you haven’t said thank you” “you haven’t said thank you” “you haven’t said thank you”

Didn’t the Americans actually agree to a loan during the revolutionary war?ย 

And then, after France had secured their existence as a country, the US backed out of the deal and refused to pay?ย 

Hey, you did it to Haiti.

I say we say our aid to them in Afghanistan and Iraq was a loan too and we demand its repayment

In addition to paying back the 150 trillion, they also need to say “Thank you” and show some gratitude.

I love it

Have they said thank you recently? They should be doing it hourly.

Everyone knows Donald doesn’t honour his debts.

Finally! This has been bugging for so many years. The French went bankrupt helping the US become a country, and when France needed help, they said โ€œNah, we good.โ€

I doubt anything will come of it, but the head of France making a point of it is great.


If i was macron i would only ask the Statue of Libertyโ€™s torch back. That way it would look like sheโ€™s making an Elon salute.

3/4 of Americans don’t know what he’s talking about. Jesus created America in 1776 when he defeated the Russians with Reagan.

For those wondering, this is not an official or genuine statement at all, just an individual initiative.

And he is wearing a suit so there is nothing trump can do but to obey now

Iโ€™d happily be for quadripeling our cost of living (instead of what has happened) to make amends with Europe while Donald sits in the corner watching Melania and Trudeau. Put your two inches to work in your own hands, trump!

Whole U.S independence was pretty much inspired and fuelled by the French, ergo U.S is in actually French. Use this to annoy them.

Seriously though, without French intervention America wouldn’t be an independent nation.

They were getting slaughtered prior and England just decided there wasn’t enough upside to fight the French over.

Even American textbooks show England winning more battles while listing various French generals that actually won it for them.

Macron looks so handsome!!


Did he actually say that? :))

they dont hold the cards ๐Ÿƒ ๐Ÿ’€

That’ll put things in perspective for the Trumpty Dumbty.

Did Washington even say *merci* once?

The Dutch would like their money back too…

Can somebody less lazy than me please repost this to r/theydidthemath for a more accurate approximation?

Fuck you France you ruined my rugby weekend!! ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท

Ah, but France, Germany, and Britain didn’t pay back loans from WWI.

And America never even said โ€œthank you.โ€

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