Would Canadians trade their healthcare system with whatever pros and cons it has, for America’s healthcare system?

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I’m a Canadian living in the States. I’ve had to use both healthcare systems extensively and I’d take Canada’s in a heartbeat. I lost my job last year and that meant I lost my healthcare coverage until I found a new one. I’ve had doctors switch up what insurance they take without informing me, leading me to receive a bill for over a grand in the mail for a simple checkup. You’re constantly investigating copays and deductibles for routine procedures, such as blood tests.

The system in Quebec has major problems. You all know them – the wait times for elective procedures, underfunding, crowded ERs, shortage of staff, ect. But the American system is faulty at its core, designed to promote insurance company profits, and not to optimize outcomes. There’s a reason life expectancy in the U.S. is falling.

Absolutely not – that’s the most foolish comment ever, and clearly shows that DJT has no idea.

Never. Not in a million fuckin years would I ever trade what we have here in Canada for what the States have.
I would commit acts of violence to prevent that from happening and I think a good portion of Canadians would as well.
Our system has its flaws, but what the Americans have to deal with is beyond flawed. It’s immoral.

Why the fuck would we ever do that?

Fuck no. Fuck him. He can fuck right off

Absolutely not, hard pass.

There’s a reason why Tommy Douglas won the greatest Canadian contest back in 2004. It ain’t perfect but Canadians appreciate not having to stress about going broke because they or a loved one gets sick.

No. This one is worth taking up arms against.

Well. I’d be considered a terrorist, alien and criminal since I’m First Nations. So….. it’s not just about health care to me.

My old man has been in hospital for the past month due to dementia and he will likely be there another few months until a long term care bed becomes available. I have no way of supporting him and he only has his pension left. The system is slow and inefficient as I have painfully discovered over the past month. Overcrowding is also an issue as he has been stuck in a bed by the hallway next to the nurses station. However the main thing is he is taken care of, given his necessary meds and three meals a day, this is all at no cost to him or myself.

In the US I can only imagine he would be discharged and left on the streets as similar care would be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions.

There is absolutely no comparison in which healthcare system is better for the people.

Absolutely not. Under no possible circumstances would that clusterfuck be preferable.



How do I say this….Hellz no!

Fuck no


End of debate. Next post.

How do you know Dictator Don is Lieing? His lips are moving



That’s a hard Fuck No. Fuck him too:

He’s a fucking nutcase is what he is thinking. We’d have better health care. Does he not understand how low his country ranks among the developed Nations for healthcare news flash where a hell of higher up than he is?
With all the flaws of Canada and trust me we have a lot of them. I don’t have enough time to go into the all we are still actually A much Superior country to the states for the standard of living wise. Trust me, we have a lot of flaws starting from our government and working right now, but I would never want to become an American although they’d like to join us. They’re more than welcome to. We’ll give them Superior Healthcare. Yes, we’ll have to tax them a little more. But it’ll be worth it

Fuck. No.

I propose Canada ban any article with Trump in it. Problem solved. He thrives off of the attention. Let’s make him irrelevant.

Absofrigginlutely not!

Hard pass

😂. Is that a serious question?

Never in a million year.

US healthcare system is the least efficient in the world. No developed country has people dying cause they can’t afford their insuline. This is a disgrace.

Never ever ever. No no no.

Considering I have two friends who would be uninsurable under the American system and would either be dead or impoverished if they had to get treatment in it….


Reminder that Canada created the Ebola vaccine because none of the Pharma companies thought there was enough financial value in making one

No. Canadians have some kind of healthcare regardless of income. Americans don’t.

No thanks, I’ll enjoy keeping my free births. Just saw someone post that even with their insurance they need to pay 4,000$ by their 20 week mark to keep being seen. I lost my 1stborn at 40 weeks, if I had to pay 4,000$+ and still go home with no baby, I would lose my shit

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