Wouldn’t be surprised if they tried; they already hate critical race theory

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My wife’s old job didn’t even acknowledge it as a Holiday after it became a federal holiday.

They said you could take it as a floating holiday.

Which told me all you really needed to know how they feel about black people. It becomes a federal holiday and a company just goes…

Nah they’ll just name it after a Confederate general and give a speech about heritage or whatever

There are states that *still* barely recognize MLK day and some even have the day as “Robert E Lee’s birthday” or some other bullshit related to the confederacy.

Juneteenth being on the choping block would be the least surprising thing floated by this musty-ass administration

They have to pass a bill.

I don’t think they have the 60 votes in the senate to do that

**June 17th:**

TRUMP: “I’m ordering Congress to end Juneteenth and put a stop to the liberal fascist woke communist agenda.”
SUSAN COLLINS: “I’m concerned.”
BLACK MAGA: “Big Daddy – no!”

**June 18th:**

TRUMP: “I’m issuing an Executive Order to halt Congress’s attempts to end Juneteenth so we can celebrate Black culture (but only for The Good Ones).”
BLACK MAGA: “Thank you, Big Daddy; Big Daddy really loves us. Big Daddy saved Juneteenth!”

They’ll probably rename Indigenous People’s Day back to Columbus Day too

You don’t have to be off to celebrate Juneteenth!
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Here’s the evidence 🤣

Would be a great day for a general strike then.

Never needed it to be a federal holiday. We can still celebrate it.

(The holiday became just a Black small business mixer event anyway)

I’m honestly surprised it even made it to a holiday in the first place

I could also see them doing some fuckshit on that day so it just becomes the “X year anniversary of that *fuckshit* from 2025” in the future.

I also feel like they’ll go after black history month. Along with other heritage months like women’s, Indigenous, etc.

Hey guys. Where should I apply for duel citizenship?

Predicting he’ll make white people’s day or some shit a federal holiday after getting rid of all the others.

The way they’re been moving in the past week, they might give it the Feb. 30 treatment and just wipe it from the calendar completely. We skipping right to June 20!

I’m still wondering if they’re actually going to try removing Black History Month. I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if they did.

How else would they justify their plotline that “racism ended with slavery and slavery ended a long time ago?”

We didn’t ASK for their fake ass acknowledgement of the day in the first place. We just wanted more of US to know the celebration existed.

And black history month

In that case, I’ll make a point to definitely not show up for work that day.


The smarter move would be adding another federal holiday for a confederate.

Way less pushback on adding another day off, regardless of the reason.

I’m sure next year we will have a January 6th Remembrance Day and they’ll change MLK Day to Trump 47 day or some shit

juneteenth is a celebration of a Republican riding across state lines to announce that slaves were free in texas. doing so would be an L for the GOP, seriously doubt this will happen.

“Imagine being so hateful you won’t take a free day off work” 🤷🏾‍♂️

I was born on June 19th and it was cool knowing my birthday was gonna be a day off. This person is right though, Trump will definitely not want to celebrate the freeing of the last slaves in the US (I know, not really, but it’s the day we commemorated).

Well look! You were right! Can no longer fly a BLM or pride flag at a federal building. Don’t know if it’s true but I saw he is going to cancel black history month.
I commented earlier on a different post. Just wait till the white people realize just how much of a minority we are.

Wait wasn’t this during Trumps administration thou?

Only if we let them, right? I mean why do we allow them so much control?! So no, it’s not canceled, and we must uphold that!

They’re looking to take away the 13th and 14th Amendments.

The way they’ll do it is bring up veterans and make it “gut veteran benefits day” where Congress removes veterans benefits.

I saw the best minds of my generation…

Our trash company was switched over recently. My trash day is on Thursday. When there are federal holidays it gets picked up on Friday instead. I took an educated guess based on how people in my county voted and put it out on the normal day last week. I was right.

My sis works for the post office and is MAD about having a day off for it. Who gets mad about free paid days off??

I don’t think they’ll take it away, they’ll probably change it to a National Day of Mourning instead

Expect it. Sadly.

I don’t think I’m the only one who is comfortable with them removing juneteeth as a federal holiday. I’ve had a problem with a holiday meant to celebrate black people taken and commodified for consumption by the government

Those of us who should have the day off to rest and celebrate usually don’t. I’m probably not articulating this well, but I’ve always found it disrespectful to some extent. imo

Probably go on a looting spree if that happens won’t ya? Waaa waaaa didn’t work another day this year but they took our other fake holiday waaaa

Shit, BHM is gone too.

My company also took Juneteenth away. If we want to get paid we have to use the 12 hrs for volunteer purposes.

its a silly holiday anyways, We are all Americans.

Holidays sound like something from a woke distopia. You’re meant to work 60-70 hours a week, holidays are woke, CANCELLED.

I’m honestly worried about Black History month too…I just have a gut feeling that this may be the last..😬 They’ve been bitching about that for a while now too.

For once the rich White man is in charge ………quoting Mr. Burns

Damn until I read this title I completely forgot CRT was a thing. I haven’t heard them bitch about it in ages.

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