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hope you guys are doing ok in the USA…


Standby for the flood of nazi apologists.

It came from the heart.

The only thing I’m surprised by is how he wasn’t publicly castrated right then and there.

Shows what kind of people we have in government…

Accurate representation of non-botox Elon.

Shout out to all the fucking morons saying it could have been the wind, or autism, or bad programming in an effort to dissuade from the truth- we’re dealing with fucking Nazis again.

I’m more shocked at the number of people excusing it.

Trump & Elon Supporters:

2024: they’re not Nazis you psychos!

2025: I’m pretty sure they’re not Nazis relax!

2026: I’m pretty sure Trump will leave the Whitehouse peacefully at the end of his term.

2027: *Google searches: “What is an oligarchical dictatoship?”

2028: why didn’t anyone warn me about this?!?

comment image

Only good nazi is a dead Nazi

Welcome to the broligarchy

Not to mention a co-ordinated campaign to gaslight about it among Elons fans.

It’s less that we’re shocked, it’s more than we’re continually pissed of that no one has slapped the cunt

lol the teeff

Guys, you don’t get it – it’s only Nazism if it’s from a very particular region of 1930s Germany

This is just sparkling racist authoritarianism.

It’s never the shock that these kind of people are that way. It’s the shock that they can be this open about it and lose nothing

I don’t think people are shocked that he does it, they’re more shocked that he would do it so publicly

If you lie and take this out of context then when real things are done people will assume you’re lying. Be better.

And now that there’s irrefutable proof (once again) that a fascist regime has taken control of the country the american people are totally going to do something about it… right?

I would say trump should put an end to this now… but I don’t think trump is strong enough to go against musk

To be realistic it should be;

“Billionaire makes awkward gesture, it totally isn’t what you think tho 😉”

As that seems to be the real media angle for some reason.

Never thought we’d get to the stage where the press and the world would turn a blind eye to Nazis in power.

What are his Blatantly fascist beliefs? I don’t pay much attention to Elon.

Chill out guys, it’s a Roman salute.

(I assumed he was doing it in front of a cohort of Roman Legionnaires)

Wasn’t fascism a Mussolini thing where it’s more roman gesture with arm in straight angle and palm outward?

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