Wow…just out and bold with it…

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You voted to opress Latinos.

I learned Spanish to impress Latinas.

We are not the same.

They’re afraid of being in the minority because of how they themselves treat the minorities.

Why would I be scared of this?!?

Racist morons are aggressively bold these days.

Gee, wonder why?

Mmmmmm…seasoned food.

Having lived in countries other than America at various times in my life, yeah, this doesn’t seem like an issue to me. Turns out that people are just people wherever you go, no matter what color their skin is

I would live and die happily in that community. Far away from bigots and racist like OP. Fuck that guy

Like… Okay. That’s fine.

i already have lived in the community this person describes. ive been a minority white person in many different settings.

i am and always was absolutely fine.

what these people dont understand is most normal people dont have this deranged white supremacist attitude with their own race, they just want to live. they are clinging to a power and an authority that normal people dont want. most people arent nazis.

I vote blue precisely because I think everyone deserves to live in the community I’m voting them into.

Tax-paid healthcare. Assistance for parents and the poor. Workers’ rights. Bodily autonomy.

If I get shunted off to that community and it’s mostly non-white people, then I’ll still feel accomplished.

Something wrong with how minorities are treated?


The thing they fear the most is becoming a minority, knowing how badly they treat minorities.

This isnt bad though. Who cares if you’re a minority?

They say it like its a bad thing to live in a neighborhood with good food lol.

… okay 

Gonna go get a burrito at Taquería then. See ya.

Yeah, so? I’m white and I live in that community and it’s a problem how? I don’t have a problem with it, why do you?

That’s one way to admit you’re a racist

Why are they afraid of being a minority? Are minority treated poorly or something?

As a white guy, does that mean I get to live in an ethnically diverse community where the progressive policies I vote for actually get passed?! Where do I sign up?

Why block out the name? They deserve the popularity they get from being garbage

What an idiot. The last 13 years, I have been the only white person where I work. I won’t want my neighborhood. Any other way. My black friends treat me way better than anybody else I’ve ever known in my life.

Why are white people so afraid of being a minority? Do we treat minorities badly in this country or something?

I grew up in a predominantly Hispanic trailer park. Nothing bad ever happened to me. Spent my entire life until 18 roaming the neighborhood and woods along the property line. They’re great neighbors bc they all work, they keep their houses and yards nice, and they keep to themselves. That’s all you need in a neighbor imo. I’d love it. Vote blue!! 💙💙

Idk. All those Italian, Polish, German, Scottish, Russian etc in the neighborhood really brought down the Mayfair families.

I don’t see a problem.

If it gets me away from any red voter then I’m all for living anywhere but with them.

I am a white guy with family and we live in a neighborhood like this. It’s perfectly fine. In fact it’s a lot better than the Lilly white redneck neighborhood I grew up in. People are people and diversity tends to moderate peoples more extreme cultural tendencies.

I have for the past 20 years, no big deal.

I love going to the local authentic Mexican restaurant and seeing trump bumper stickers. Like wtf you love there food, your supporting a local small business owner, but you want them and there family to leave? The mental gymnastics are hard to watch

Are…are they suggesting that minorities are not treated well in this country?

The tone makes it seem like there’s a problem with this situation. *oh noooooo everyone’s equal*

Don’t threaten me with a good time. At least I know I won’t have an hoa

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