WTF is wrong with you

By vksdann
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I’m sure I made that exact face when old man at transmission shop shook mine 🤮it was so squishy and no grip at all.

Meet at the joint of the thumb and index, grasp firmly, don’t let your fingers get displaced, two pumps, release.

As a Noodle handed individual myself, let me just say “sharp monkeys”

firmly grasp it

Shake my hand like you want to make love to it

Shaking hands🤮

That’s why I shake people’s hands with my big strong Manhands

I think you’re supposed to cradle theirs in both your strong hands

There was a king of the hill episode like this where Hank shoke George Bush’s hand and it was lìmp and caused Hank to question his identity

I had a literal dead fish of a handshake. Happened on multiple occasions.

I have to consciously decide to grip anything hard. So if I’m not thinking about it, my hand doesn’t grip firmly. But I avoid handshaking in general. touching people is gross and I don’t know why so many insist on doing it.

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