WTF was she supposed to do?

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the curry comment is wild since he married an indian woman…no wonder jd vance is always on the couch jk

It doesn’t even matter because Vance’s schedule is packed with daily sessions of sucking the cheez doodle of his orange messiah. Hopefully he gets the moneyshot soon, since Elon, Zuckerberg, and Don Jr have been stealing it lately.

“Sit-down” is not how JD Vance uses furniture.

Edit: A kind redditor messaged me to suggest maybe the furniture is on top. So I may be incorrect here. 🤷‍♂️

Did he really make that curry remark? Because if so he’s dumber than I thought, given who he is married to, and that hurts my head lol

She did the right thing. Piss on Vance. He’s a piece of crap.

They’re trying SOOOO hard to whatabout Trump’s trashy behavior in 2020

She should change the locks and hide raw shrimp in the curtain rods.

Are his wife and inlaws allowed on AF2.

Trump skipped Biden’s inauguration and wasn’t welcome at McCain’s funeral. Are Republicans offended by this? I’m not

Actual middle school behavior. Blame the victim of bullying for how they react to the bullying

Why would she invite JD Vance, he’s clearly not the real VP anymore


They probably did expect her to bake him cookies. Women are widely expected to ‘be nice’ to people who are awful to them.

Do they expect her to bake him cookies? Well… yes, yes they do.

This is typical, though. Insult and basically treat folks across the aisle like shit and then clutch pearls when they aren’t treated civilly by those insulted later on.

Trumps team didn’t even brief Biden admin on the deal he brokered with the Taliban which caused the shit show pull out.

Fuck these bitches

This is what I’ve always hated about the state of modern US politics: Republicans can say whatever the hell they want, act like truly terrible people, and get away with murder…yet the Democrats are always expected to be civil and turn the other cheek. I really wish they acted more like this: screw precedent, take off the gloves and throw down.

Isn’t JD Vance the DEI candidate? He was completely unqualified and got the job only because of his race and sex.

He’s creepy and gives off rapist vibes. Can’t say I blame her.

Is he still gonna be VP? I havent seen or heard from him in a hot minute.

In her defense he’s been hard to find lately

This is so unfair. She did invite him to go fuck himself.

Jd Vance is a horrid pos. 💩. He doesn’t even deserve to lick the ground she walks on. Why would she extend even the remotest of kindness to that makeup wearing, lying, cross dresser?

Western news media and politics hates women. Full stop.

She should leave 100s of small mics and cameras around the observatory and office on her way out. Don’t even need them to be plugged in or working. It’s not like he’ll be busy delivering on anything the non billionaire citizens of the US care about or were promised during the election

The delicious green curry chicken and vegetable Thai leftovers I’m having for lunch are telling me that high profile Republicans all appear to be douchebags. I hope this changes at some point.

I’m so tired of this double standard where republicans lob personal attacks and chastise democrats when they don’t take the higher ground

But civility! /s

I wouldn’t invite that guy to a suit down meal at taco bell. Let alone my current residence.

Forgetting how often they brought up her I.Q. as well

They’re STILL demanding she be flawless. She has to extend an infinite amount of patience and grace to the degenerate shitheads who ran one of the most hateful campaigns for office in modern history or else SHE’S the problem.

Eat shit, CBS.

Good, I wouldn’t have either.

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